I am trying to upload some animations I made in blender for my game but almost seconds after publishing it, it gets removed for “Misusing Roblox Systems”, I’ve tried appealing it, gets denied, I’ve tried contacting support, they confirm it was correctly moderated for “Misusing Roblox Systems” and never explain what changes I have to make.
If anyone has any contact with roblox, please try to let them know about this. This issue has been causing my game to not work for others since they cannot load the animations.
And before anyone asks, these are the animations in question:
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When they got removed, was your account banned/warned after that? And did you get a message in your inbox saying that your animations were removed?
They got removed because of Roblox’s flawed AI bots. They thought they’re referencing sexual activities because the players are laying down.
Appealing removed assets doesn’t usually work. They most of the time not accept appeals.
But there’s only one thing you can do.
Try re-uploading the animations with adding a disclaimer to their descriptions. Something like:
“This animation has been created with full adherence to Roblox’s Community Standards and does not promote nor encourage any sexual activities. It is designed to be appropriate, non-offensive, suitable for players of all ages.”
The bots read the description of any asset before taking it down, so there’s a high chance you’ll get away with it when they read the description.
I suggested this technique to a few people and it worked for them, including this guy.
If they decided to take down the animations even with this disclaimer in the description, I don’t think there’s much you can do.
Wish you the best!
Thank you for replying!
No I did not get warned or banned after uploading them, I did get a message in my inbox about them removing the model for the animation though
I’ll try adding that to the description and update you if it works.
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I just tried adding that to a description of an animation and republish it but unfortunately they remove it again seconds later, I may just have to wait and pray for a roblox employee to see this.
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Roblox staff members don’t usually browse categories like #help-and-feedback:platform-usage-support. It’s almost impossible for them to see your post, and if they did, they’ll most likely ignore it because it’s something they don’t have control over.
Try DM’ing a member of the @DevRelationsTeam and explain the situation. One of them might actually reply to you and help you.
What you can do right now is just keep appealing to Roblox Support and including more information and evidence.
Hi! I finally got responded back from Roblox and this is what they had to say.

I’m confused, I don’t think its possible to upload an animation with scripts inside of them.
Unless the plugin I used to import the animation data from blender also somehow uploaded the script used to get the animation data but I don’t even think its possible to publish scripts while publishing from the animation editor.
I think this is the problem.
At this point I’m not really sure what else you can do.
Try using a different plugin and see how it works.
And fill another appeal and convince them that the asset is yours and that you made it in Blender, but you used other sources to be able to upload it to Roblox Studio
Best of luck for you, because this is getting more confusing.