Blender Animations Not Loading Correctly into Roblox

While this is more related to animations, I’ve recently come across a problem regarding Blender animations not loading in correctly to Roblox, using @Den_S’s importer plugin.

My modeler and animator @SneezyRanger made the animations in blender and they came out great:

There were no errors for importing on his end, he uploaded the animation and imported it in the animation editor and had no problems. However, when I imported the animation into the animation editor I got this result:

I also got this error message:
The names are the same however and the error does not occur for @SneezyRanger, it behaves like this for me in studio and animation editor, it works properly for Vect0rius in the animation editor but not in studio.

Any solutions? This is somewhat urgent.


I noticed this the other day, it seems like the animation editor is only working with R15 rigs currently?
This is certainly a mistake.

Yes, it does seem that way, perhaps this a good idea for a bug report? I would file it myself but that requires quite a few steps.

If it’s consistent please let me know.

This to me looks to be an issue with the rig, not the animation editor, although I could be wrong. If you’re using the same animation and are getting different results, that should tell you it’s a problem specifically on your end.

I would assume that it is an issue with your specific rig – you should verify that you and your animator have exactly the same model. Ask him if he made any small adjustments or anything. Check you have all the joint names correct, also.

You could also try using an alternative editor like Moon Suite – just note that for uploading you have an extra step where you save the animation, then right click the created root animation object (you’ll know what I’m talking about when you save it) and upload to Roblox (it should automatically be saving an animation instead of a model).

I don’t believe it is the rig, as the exact same is being used for both. You can also see it works perfectly on his end and when I load the animation on to the exact same rig we get different results. The animation is directly to Roblox from the imported blender animation not from a animation save.

So you’re importing from Blender and he also is importing from Blender but you’re getting different results?

Try getting your animator to save the animation (doesn’t have to be uploaded, just the actual keyframe objects) and send it to you. Then open it in studio and upload it to Roblox and test it. Could be something up with the import.

No, let me make a clarification. He is importing from Blender, it works as seen in post one of the topic:

He uploaded it immediately after this (for further clarification the GIF is from him screensharing, he is the only one who imported the animation to Roblox from Blender).

He then loaded the animation he uploaded to Roblox into the rig from Roblox and it worked fine.
I then loaded the animation from Roblox into the rig and it resulted in the glitchy version.
It also behaves in that bizarre manner in game.

EDIT: It works perfectly well on his screen in the animation editor but not in game and for me it doesn’t work correctly in the editor nor in game.

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That’s a weird issue, looks to be like Clonetrooper said then. Not sure what further can be done.

I’ve got one more idea and that is to go into a completely separate place and do things from scratch again, but that may end up being fruitless. You could try playing around using different models and animation assets, too. Good luck, hopefully Roblox sorts this out soon.

It would be very inconvenient for my animator but he might have to resort to remaking the animation in a Roblox animation editor. I thank you for your help. I’ll continue to experiment.

Perhaps @Den_S can offer some insight?

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If something’s a bug you’re supposed to make a post specifically for it and not just add a tag to an unrelated post, which is probably why Echo removed it :wink:

I see, I removed that section from the post, now I’ll begin the multi-part process of bug-reporting as a new member. Again, I thank you for your help.

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That looks like either an issue with the Roblox animation editor, your rig being different (duplicate joints?), or whatever code you use to run the animation in-game (it looks like the second video is actually using the animation in-game, not just importing it into the Roblox animation editor). Whatever the Blender importer plugin displays in Roblox after importing the animation is played back using the Roblox animation API, so it looks like it imports it perfectly fine.

Also be careful that importing it into the Roblox animation editor might completely mess up the keyframes as that editor rounds all keyframes to the nearest rounding increment you’ve set (unless that behavior changed?). Generally there should be no need to use the Roblox animation editor once you’ve uploaded the imported animation to Roblox.

The warning you see does indicate an issue with the Roblox animation editor, though, assuming your rig has those joints.

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Thank you, I’ll review this response with my animator later today and get back to you.

After further research, it seems to have just been a publishing problem on my animators end. I thank everyone for their assistance.

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