[Blender] Gun Animator [Tutor] $100USD

About Me

Hi there! I am SelectedArctic, I have been Modeling for quite some time now. I am also a Video editor, a Builder, and Music Producer! I am on a journey to embark new things that come in my path, one of them being…Animating! I have Animated on Roblox many times but only really using the Built in Studio Version. I am trying to expand my knowledge with Blender Gun Animating and take on the challenge for the great achievement to learn, and grasp the knowledge of an Animator.

The Team
@Me - Learner
@You - Tutor/Teacher

About The Job

I am looking for a Leader, and a patient person, someone willing to dedicate their time to Tutor me and guide me through certain aspects of Animating with Guns on Blender. I will be animating around 20 Weapons (NOT TO GUIDE ME THROUGH ALL OF THEM) Making mostly Reload Animation. With that I am going to need some assistance on Graph Editing and Poses.

Examples of my Animations


I am paying in USD, with an amount of $100

Contact Us

You can contact me here on the Developer Forum or via Discord at: SelectedArctic#1249
You must be 15 years or older to apply.

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:

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