(BLENDER) How to connect two nodes to the same point?

God, help me.

I’m new to texturing, and I’m facing my first “challenge”, if you will.

I followed this tutorial here
How to Texture Paint Bump Maps in Blender (Tutorial) - YouTube

However, I have a plastic/polymer texture applied to my magazine, it uses normals to create a PBR effect, hence it is connected to the normal in the principled BSDF tab.

Now, I want to paint normals onto the magazine, using an image texture and a bump tab, but the tutorial instructs me to connect the bump node to the normal node of the BSDF.

That doesn’t work though, because the plastic texture node is already connected to it.

Here’s my setup:

I want to connect the UPPER bump that is connected to the image texture to the principled BSDF normal node endpoint, but it doesn’t work, as I said.

How do I connect it to the normal node endpoint without cancelling the plastic texture?


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You have two options:

  • Mix them (preferrably using a ColorRamp)
  • Use the material output “Displacement” for the 2nd one.
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Try plugging the top bump node Normal output into the Normal input node of the bottom bump node.
It should overlay two normals together.

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Thank you, I will try this later.


Thank you, it works perfectly.

Just a little question, after doing that it causes this weird looking normal reflection when looking at it straight.

Is there a fix for this, or can it be reduced?

You need to add a displacement map (or normal map) in between those.

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Thank you.


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