Blender mesh has holes

So I made this train in Blender with the intention of using it for a game, however when I imported it into Roblox it had holes in it.
This is what it looks like in Blender

And this is what it looks like in Studio
I exported it both .obj and .fbx but they gave the same result. Does anyone know how to get rid of the holes?


Recalculate your Normals by doing CTRL+N in Edit Mode.

Your traingle count may exceed the 10,000 integer limit, but somehow got into roblox. It’s possible roblox can’t render a flat surface, meaning u need to add some depth to those areas.

It doesn’t exceed the limit. image
How would I go about adding more depth?

Try making objects which are flat more 3D, as that may help it. I’m no blender expert, so I’m not so sure about the fix.

The interior of the mesh doesn’t have an interior face. Turn on Backface Culling to see that your faces are only facing one way.

As for the underside of the body having weird holes, the areas are huge polygons (also known as n-gons) that will triangulate weird in Studio. I explained how this works in this thread:

In the future, please use the search tool before making repeating threads :slight_smile:

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Where would I find backface culling?
image image I did the “poke faces” and now it pokes out to the middle in the bottom.

Concave n-gons will do that. Instead of just poking or triangulating faces, you should remove the face here, and create two new faces along this line

Like this:

To this:


So I made 2 faces, but the rest of the mesh still disappears when you look through it. How do I fix that?

Enable backface culling to see if it’s the issue (I think it is but it’ll help you visualize the problem). I think you’re using Blender 2.79 so that’ll be located in this sidebar (press N).

Then from there, you can figure out how to make interior geometry, either by hand or by duplicating the mesh, flipping the faces (flip normals), and sizing it slightly smaller. There are many ways to do this though.

Granted if the player has to go inside this train car, you’ll have to take extra measures for collision geometry. If the player isn’t going into this train car, I’d just make the windows solid and not worry about the interior.