I found a solution, I realized that although once you apply the location/scale/rotation to the applied wings modifier, it still doesn’t have bones covering it. Therefor Roblox only recognizes what’s connected to the bones and not the rest of the mesh that was the mirror. So it went wacky.
This took me far too many hours so I’ll leave the solution here in case any other wandering soul finds this on google, in search of help!
You need to symmetrize the bone rig, so that the new bones stay inside of the one armature otherwise you would have to make duplicate animations for each armature and export separately.
So Shift + S - cursor to grid center
In object mode select the armature rig, switch to edit
select all (A)
Right click - symmetrize
Once you’ve done that you now need to duplicate the objects(mesh), in my case the wing try to not let it go out of place while you do.
Then in object mode, find the mirror option somewhere around the view area above.
Use the mirror along X Axis etc (don’t use the mirror modifier, there’s an option to mirror position instead).
Now rename all of the vertex groups inside of that new object to have different bones. If yours were already Left using the option Blender has, just add a R at the end of these ones. Make sure nothing is the same name otherwise it wont work.
(basically rename every bone, I just found that in the properties vertex groups had bone names inside them and that’s what worked)
Delete the armature modifier on the new objects, then add a new armature modifier (NOT Ctrl + P, just do it like you would’ve a typical mirror modifier)
And now attach the new armature modifier to your old one (inside of the armature modifier box select armature). I did this so that the weight painting already applied to the object would remain the same
Once you’ve done all that your object should be duplicated, and mirrored while all staying inside the same armature. With Roblox it’s okay if you have many parts/meshes, you just can only have one armature per animation.
Feel free to animate it etc, and stress is over!