Blender Plastic Material Issue

Hi, so this is an image from a while back but the problem keeps recurring. Basically when I import an item, usually a helmet or gun, from studio it has the plastic texture on. Should I make sure material isn’t plastic or do I need to edit nodes on blender.
Any help would be great :smiley:.

well its up to you, since blender has some bug that I have no clue how to fix, it can sometimes import the texture from studio and sometimes it doesn’t. if it does to you, id suggest choosing in studio the material you believe fits the character. But, if you want the character to be much more realistic, you can check some tutorials that show how to make accessories and items with a high-quality texture.

Sometimes rolox studio textures dont import into blender correctly no matter what you do. So, I would use nodes when it is needed just to be safe. (:

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Thank you for the feedback I will check these out and try fix it

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