Blender Questions

Hello, Im quite new to the world of rendering and kinda need a little help.

  1. Is there any way to set a default spawn point when importing things? Everytime I upload an object, I have to hunt for it which can get a little irritating.

  2. Rotating is a nightmare! Ive been watching videos but I can’t seem to figure out how to rotate just the hats without them flying around this focal point. Is there anyway I can change that?


Do CTRL+O and do set geometry to origin.

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Didnt seem to work, just took me to the import page

Try right clicking on the object > Origin > Set geometry to origin.


What device are you on? I have a hunch that’s what is causing the other solutions to fail.

you can rightclick in either edit mode or object mode, I forgot, and set geometry to 3d cursor, then orgin to geometry

Im currently on a laptop (sorry about the wait, had some connection problems)

You can rotate using keybinds. Press R and then rotate with the corresponding axis, X, Y, Z,
X axis is red line
Y axis is green line
Z axis is blue line

Still forces me to rotate around a focal point

Have you right clicked the object multiple times? Does it give you the option to set it’s origin?

Just reset everything and the option now appears, still dont know which one to click as people have given me mixed responses

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I normally do origin to center of mass (surface) to rotate the object.

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Thank you it seems to work! Altought I’m still a little curious if theres a way I can have it imported on the characters head by default for future projects

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Unfortunately I don’t think there a way to import it to the origin right away. You would have to manually do this yourself sadly. :frowning: You can change the origin of multiple objects though. (just select all the objects you want to change the origin and it should do the work)

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I will show a step you could do before exporting from blender to roblox.

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You can solve this issue right in Roblox Studio! When using the Load Character plugin by AlreadyPro, check spawn at origin as so:
Screen Shot 2020-06-15 at 7.49.30 PM
Then all the accessories (hair) should spawn right at the origin in Blender, and right on the character’s head, and you’ll be fine! When importing props, you can use your imported character as a reference point to know where the origin is. Go to the toolbox and import anything you want, I’ll do a rock guitar.
Screen Shot 2020-06-15 at 7.51.03 PM
Since our character is at the origin, you have to drag the item to the origin for it to spawn at the origin in Blender. Use the move tool in Roblox Studio to move it as so…
Screen Shot 2020-06-15 at 7.52.06 PM
Our character may be a little uncomfortable, but our guitar is now extremely close to the origin, now you can export it and use it as you wish. :wink:
Screen Shot 2020-06-15 at 7.53.32 PM
As you can see, our guitar is basically near the origin, so rotation won’t be as hard to do.

I hope this helped!

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This is just another way. Could be applied to any kind of scene:
This is just an example:

  • Select the mesh so it is active (indicated with the orange outline).
  1. Upper left, click: Objects tab > Set origin >Origin to center of Mass (Volume)
  2. Then, click: Objects tab > Snap > Cursor to World Origin
  3. Lastly, with the Mesh still Selected (indicated with the orange outline),
    click: Objects tab > Snap > Selection to Cursor .
    By now the mesh should be at World Origin 0,0,0
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