How do I fix the fuzz? I do not know how to texture.
Thank you!
This graininess you see is called noise. To remove this activate the denoiser. See this here:How to DENOISE Your Images in Blender 2.80 - Beginner Tutorial - YouTube
What you can also do is turn up the sample count, this will take a longer time to render but a much better image.
did not fix it. [30 characters]
Increasing the samples will fix your type of issue 100% of the time—I can see the sample tracing in the very top of your screenshot and it seems like it had only completed the fourth pass out of 32 (4/32) in your rendered view, is the final render after hitting F12 showing up the same? Samples counts behave differently between eevee and cycles, try switching to cycles and rendering it out if your project file is set to eevee (the default). If it isn’t, try eevee.