Blender rig exporter/animation importer

Having an issue with only bones moving on a custom rig in blender.

Look up Batch Rename for blender here’s a Youtube video:
It’s free it comes with blender 2.81+ by default I think…

change the “Data Type:” to ‘Bones’ then in the “Find:” Text field put it to 1
then in the “Replace:” Text field put nothing it’ll remove all the 1’s from your bone names
make sure you have them all selected though.

Hi, I’m having an issue where the bones will move, but the body part won’t. Any solution to this?

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Several, though we would need more info. Like is there any errors in your Roblox plugin side, how is your rig set up (file tree)?, what does the rig look like in blender?, is it the same or different too what Roblox looks like?, what blender & plugin version are you using?, is your Roblox plugin side up to date?

IK should not be functioning this way

Whenever i import it does this

I do have the most recent version.

I am also using blender 3.2.0

In studio make sure the rig is in the center of the place, e.g. x0,y3,z0.
Here’s how you’d set this in studio for a R6 rig;

The video is not loading so try to upload it too Youtube then link it so I can help you debug it

Shift click on the armature body part you want to attach first, then shift click on the armature.

Switch to pose mode, then do (ctrl + P) and bind it to the bone.

Now it should move with the bone. Luckily any movement/change to the body parts won’t affect the final outcome as the animation exported is based on the bones, not the body parts (the body parts are purely visual)

If you’re using R6 and looking for the bevel though, export the character seperately from the way you exported with the plugin, then attach the body parts the same way. That way you get body the visual look and the bones in place.

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I’ll upload it to streamable.

Hey so im having an issue that the r6 rig bones is not well rotated, anybody knows how to fix it?


This is just standard issue with r6, if you don’t want to deal with that use Nodes Only

Hey @Den_S! I’ve sent you a tweet regarding this issue a bit earlier, though I’ll repost here additionally for reference.
An animator in a studio I work for has been using your blender rig exporter plugin, but has been receiving an error when attempting to export a .rbxm file with a custom rig.

I’ve identified the issue, and it seems to stem from the fact that the plugin does not support Motor6Ds which aren’t directly parented under a BasePart - I.e., they don’t work if their parent hierarchy is BasePart.Folder.Motor6D rather than BasePart.Motor6D directly:

You’re supposed to move the bone below it that is sticking out

you also need to limit the rotation of the yellow bone (the one that has the IK constraint on) to prevent it from breaking to the side

(if it doesn’t bend even after that, you need to slightly bend the yellow bone in edit mode, don’t do it in pose mode as it might revert back to the usual behavior of being stiff if you reset pose)

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Thanks, noted this limitation in the 1st post for now to hopefully help others that may also run into this limitation! Currently the Motor6D has to be a direct child of the parent part in the rig tree (typically its Part0).

Oh, thanks. 30303030030330030303030

Has anyone had success with Mixamo recently? I’m on Blender 3.2.1 and it doesn’t seem to work anymore. Keep getting this error after exporting my model (as FBX), then importing animation from Mixamo:

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I’m on Blender 3.2.0 and it works just fine. The problem is that Mixamo adds numbers to your bones in your animation, so the plugin in Blender doesn’t recognize the bones and won’t map the rig. But, there is a solution!

Step 1: Make a new Blender file to import your animation.

Step 2: Import the animation with default settings.

Step 3: Open the rig as shown in the video.

Step 4: Rename the bones in every bone collection by removing the numbers.

Step 5: Export as FBX



Step 6: Import the finished animation back to your rig in Blender while using the keying set “Location and Rotation”.

Hope this tutorial helps a lot, have a great day (or night.) :slightly_smiling_face:


i have problem
Python: Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\Users\doros\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.2\scripts\addons\”, line 490, in execute
File “C:\Users\doros\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.2\scripts\addons\”, line 297, in create_rig
meta_loaded = json.loads([’_RigMeta’][‘RigMeta’])
File "D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Blender\3.2\python\lib\json_init
.py", line 346, in loads
return _default_decoder.decode(s)
File “D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Blender\3.2\python\lib\json\”, line 337, in decode
obj, end = self.raw_decode(s, idx=_w(s, 0).end())
File “D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Blender\3.2\python\lib\json\”, line 355, in raw_decode
raise JSONDecodeError(“Expecting value”, s, err.value) from None
json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)

Does anyone know how to solve this issue when importing a view model animation from blender using the plug-in? The parts move in blender , but when imported it doesn’t