Blender rig exporter/animation importer

What is showing on your viewport isn’t always what’s registering on the animation, take a look at your keyframes and see if everything is keyed and correct:


also, make sure auto-keying is on.

It could be something else but since you only provided a screenshot of your viewport I can only think that something is wrong in your timeline/keyframes.

the x,y,z rotation is same as in the studio animation editor

What version of Blender, the addon, and the Roblox plugin are you using? Also, are you using Den_S’s version or Cautioned’s?

To be honest, I have no idea what could be causing this, but I’m using Blender 4.0, the Blender addon version 1.9.6, and the latest version of the Roblox plugin and I’ve had no issues (I use r15 though). Both Blender addon and Roblox plugin from cautioned’s fork.

blender 4.1 and den_s’s version
it seems the rotation x is inverted (75 in roblox = -75 in blender)
and that y rotation in roblox animation editor is z rotation in blender xyz euler
the location is still off though

Sorry for the late answer.

That version is no longer being maintained, maybe try using Cautioned’s version.

That’s weird, I’m sorry, but I don’t know how to help you other than suggesting the maintained version of the plugin/addon.

This is not a bug though, Roblox uses Y as the up-coordinate but Blender uses Z, this one you’ll need to get used to or change the rotation order in the item tab.

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can someone help it just errors when i try to import an obj

Im not sure what the script is saying. But this can usally to do with a parenting issue, or an one or meshes are inverted.

it got fixed when i used cautioned’s fork of the blender addon


cant believe i didnt see this until now, you are a lifesaver chief!

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This animation is broken when uploaded to roblox from Blender, I’m currently using Blender 3.6 as I know the latest version has some issues with the roblox animation add on and the animation is in 60 fps. Her is the difference between the animation in blender and studio:

If anyone knows what could cause or is causing this issue I would be really glad to get your help

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Nah im on 4.0 and it dosent work

A suggestion, is trying to import this animation into a clean workspace and see if the issue persists

For those who have problems with import, this does not depend on the version, but on the rig you installed, use this rig to work with version 4.1

R6IK02.blend (1,3 МБ)

And delete version of the program by Cautioned
and install the original calmly, using the rig that I attached in the message back Use this Blender addon

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I have tried this now and there is still the exact same issue with the animation


Hey, @CAUTlONED. The blender plugin seems to be Completely broken for blender version 4.3. Here is what it does:

While in studio the welds are done properly.


Somehow it’s connected to the wrong part.

I have noticed people having issues mostly on 4.3, I will add a warning for 4.3 for the moment. I don’t have the time right now, but I will check out and try to fix this when I get the chance.


Oh… well I hope it gets fixed soon because I am using blender on steam snd there isn’t really a good way to go back to 4.2.

hey so i have this animation im making in blender with the plugin. the first image is in blender and what it SHOULD look like, the second is in roblox. not too sure why this is happening so some help would be nice.
Screenshot 2024-11-28 182636

ive had this issue for quite a while now, and there are no warnings when exporting the rig.

I cannot export the rig, its just duplicated the model when I do export rig and nothing happened

nvm I was following this tutorial I think the issue when I weld the camera using join in place When I did not weld it worked fine