Blender rig exporter/animation importer

This plugin doesnt work on Blender versions 4.0 and above. there is a alternative version however here.
If you must however use this plugin, then you gotta downgrade blender to some 3.0 version

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Doesn’t seem to work in Blender currently, unless I’m doing it wrong.

Exported Rig from Roblox without your plugin saying there’s any errors, though in Blender it imports with that 2x4 part and the addon just says ’ no armatures or unbuilt rigs found in scene, please import or append a rig ’ not too experienced with this so not sure if this is something obvious or not?

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message me and i can try to fix this with you, if you still need help

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Hey man! Love the plugin! Tho for some reason when I import my blender animation into studio the left arms animations are completely broken :

This is what it is supposed to look like:

Any way you can help me fix?Best regards!

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Anyone know if this is possible to do on Mac? I haven’t got the option to save as .py?

Try the download as py button. If you can’t do that you can probably get Visual Studio Code and create Python files with it to paste the text in

I love this plugin but does anyone know why part positioning is exporting wrong?

The default position:

I create a keyframe dragging the Root Part to a new position:

That pose when imported to Roblox (see how it does not actually drag the model the same distance)

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I am getting an error in blender like this:

does someone have any solutions, dont really know what to do
(Idk if this page is still available :sweat_smile:)

Suddenly stopped showing up at all, fun. Guess I have to use Moon Animator which is significantly worse than blender

yeah this happens for me to, I guess we just have to wait until the blender addon is fixed

downgrade ur blender version and/or use @CAUTlONED ’s version instead

i’m using 4.1 + CAUTIONED’s fork and it works perfectly

the animation doesnt show up?

it works for other animations tho, i didnt alter the rig or anything, just went through the process of animating and exporting it, does this have anything to do with using the graph editor? i used it a hefty bit in this one

im just stupid, apparently i needed to choose the rig im exporting in this dropdown
this is my first time using it so at first i thought it just used what i was selecting

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Uhm… How does this have 1650 replies…?

its something the animation community desperately needs/needed, why wouldn’t it have that many replies

heyya i think the plugin broke and wont initiate import in studio as of today 09-21-2024.

Have you guys tried using Blender 4.0 instead of 4.2? Everybody who came to this topic with this error log has the file path of their plugin set to ...\Blender\4.2\... etc..

It could be something else, but I’m using Blender 4.0, and everything works fine.

have you tried enabling script injection in manage plugins?

Help pls
I’ve been trying to use this to create custom Rigs – However, although the rigging looks fine in Blender once I import it back into Studio as a .fbx the rigging is all over the place.
Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can correct this?

I am using CAUTIONED version already with Blender 4.0

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Importing using the legacy option does not seem to work. Any fixes?


I’ve found that you have to the rig joined as a whole skeleton in blender intead of peranting the joints.
I had a massive issue with the joints being upside down on importing when I had them peranted.

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