Blender rig exporter/animation importer

Is your rig at 0,0,0? You can use modeldirectory:MoveTo(,0,0)) to put it there real quick.

YES! Thank you! This helps a lot

Alright so we successfully imported into blender, then we run into an issue where armatures are ‘broken’. This is how it looks imported into mixamo: when you try to load an anim it doesn’t work (loading screen loop).
This is how it looks in blender:

Any tips?

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oh, your rig is 3 million lightyears away from the center I think alt g should put it in the center. If that doesn’t work
move your rig to 0,0,0 if you move the hrp everything should go there if not then place a brick on 0,0,0 expand the brick on the z-axis so you can see it then drag the whole model over the brick and then try to export if the rig “moves” away move it back to where it was and then press export rig

also i never used mixamo that much rly since it kinda refuses to accept any of my rigs

also if it still doesnt work in blender i recommend removing the Meshes\ from the motor6ds

you sure you are using the 2.8 version of the blender plugin?
also, isn’t 2.9.01 in alpha?

@Den_S Does this converts motor6D to bones?

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Been experimenting with this plugin, lovin’ it so far :3

Y’know how some Mixamo animations don’t provide the “In Place” option (which, for example, keeps running animations in place/no root motion), and there IS a solution for R15 Rigs, which is to manually delete Z-Axis keyframes of the LowerTorso in the Dope Sheet in Blender, after the animation is applied onto a valid rig (example of Mixamo animation named “Sword and Shield Attack” on an R15 Rig below, with this solution in practice).

Gif of R15 Animation


So applying the same solution onto Rthro Rigs apparently causes them to go animating in the wrong direction (shown below with the same “Sword and Shield Attack” Animation, but on a default Rthro Rig (also I’ve tried this with other Rthro Rigs, the problem persists)).

Gif of Rthro Animation


My own guess is that the LowerTorso is animated incorrectly along the axes somehow, not so sure if I’m right though. Is it just me, and does anyone know of a fix (believe me I’ve spent an hour searching through this topic already, nothing came out of that)? Gladly appreciated.

~ Here’s a Cookie for reading :cookie:

After some tinkering, turns out it was because I imported the rig incorrectly, silly me :stuck_out_tongue:


I dont know if there is a glitch but i am using blend 2.80 and when i rebuild the rig it says error i cant rebuild it and also the meta part got import with the meta rig is there a way to fix

what rig do you use
r6? r15?
custom one?

r6 and r15 but i was making FPS arm animation

Oh nevermind i solve the mistake i must Restart blender then it will go good sory for wasting ur time.

eh its ok good thing u found ur issue

i dont know if i made a mistake but if i import my blender animations (with an r6 rig i used) and import the animation data, nothing happens

can someone help

edit: nvm, fixed it. just opened an autosave file after it crashed and it worked

I was doing Import Animations, but got this error. image
Here’s Blender
And roblox studio
What’s the problem?


When it already says solo mode

After I Import a animation. I tried following youtube tutorial but didn’t seem help.

Is that rig inside a place that has team create enabled?

Yes, the game team create is enabled.

How would I make it so that the legs stay in the same place.

Now that theSkinned MeshParts are alive, will you update the plugin/addon @Den_S?