Blender rig exporter/animation importer

When I attempt to export an animation from studio these are the options I get

Are you trying to export animation from Roblox to Blender?

Yes, that is what I am trying to do.

I don’t think you can do that, I tried it myself.

Absolutely incredible! Recommend using it for Graphics Designer’s!

Has anyone tried using this with Roblox’s new bone system <

Nope because not much is known about it

Hey @Den_S!

It doesn’t work for me, when i install the extension, i get this error:

I have tried with blender 2.8, but it drops the same error, so i re-installed to 2.92 and it still not working and drops the same error.

I tried @Triffys method, but it didn’t worked at all

Could you help me? :frowning:

EDIT: imagen

are you sure u didn’t install the 2.79 version of the plugin
the second issue could be cuz ur using the alpha version of 2.92

@Den_S I needed to use an older version of this, but i found a big problem…
When i export a custom rig, i don’t get any armature for animate it!

Here is the output:

So I’ve tried downloading the plugin both to blender, and roblox, but I don’t see a rbx animations or whatever tab in blender:
Could someone help troubleshoot?

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How do I add two rigs? When i try it just keeps deleting the other

You have to import the rig first

There is a tutorial for that on yt

Yeah, I figured that out. Thanks, none the less!

This isn’t really ROBLOX related but, I have this VMD file and want to convert it to FBX. Any material I should use?

I believe you have to install specific Addon in Blender for that, Import as VMD and Export as FBX.

Blender crashes when I import a rig via the plugin and undo it without rebuilding. Strange

How complex is the rig? Cause rigs with too many parts are to complex singular parts will cause it too crash

Really? I’ve been importing an r15 character with a 6-part weapon.