Blender rig exporter/animation importer

Is There A Way I Can Import Multiple Rigs?
I tried to import 2 Character Rigs for a cutscene animation but it just removes the old rig every time.

make a blend file with 1 rig and copy it. open blend file with the other rig. make a new collection in the explorer (optional). Right click and paste into new collection. You should have 2 rigs in the place now. Whichever one has the name _Rig and _RigMeta in the explorer will be the one that gets exported when you export with the plugin. You can just rename them back and forth to export both animations from the scene.

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i cant install the blender plugin properly

file is .py and it is ticked in the addons tab

but it doesnt show up as a plugin

everything is up to date


I’ve been having this weird Issue, Where I can’t move bones in Blender, also experiencing Issues with the accessories and textures, they can’t import properly but that doesn’t matter too me too much, my main issue is that the bones keep breaking and I can’t move em at all.

Are you using the latest version of blender and 2.8 - 2.93+ blender addon version?
Check in the n panel, it should show up there as (RBX Animation)

Make sure you have the latest version of the addon and remove the decal of the face from the character (personally I’ve exported with it and had no issues even if it says its an issue).

Export it, import into blender, then in the N panel, make sure to click the build rig button.

The bones should be placed into the rig, after that, click on it and go into pose mode to move the bones and animate them.

Textures thing is just Roblox being jank with blender. if you see weird stretching lines, go into shading tab and remove the normal map node at the bottom. The only nodes you need in there is the “Image texture” node, “Principled BSDF” and of course the material output node.

(Just to note anybody who is coming up upon this post, the plugin and addon work perfectly normal and expected :+1: , R6 slightly jank with the no bevels thing but it seems to export animations properly.)

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I have got the import to work but the names in the animation downloaded from Mixamo have the number one on the end of the names which I have to remove before I can import, is there a way of stopping this as takes ages to rename.


in the rig the bones move but none of the body parts dont move is there a fix to this

here is a video: Blender 2022-06-26 01-39-51.mp4 - Google Drive

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Having an issue with only bones moving on a custom rig in blender.

Look up Batch Rename for blender here’s a Youtube video:
It’s free it comes with blender 2.81+ by default I think…

change the “Data Type:” to ‘Bones’ then in the “Find:” Text field put it to 1
then in the “Replace:” Text field put nothing it’ll remove all the 1’s from your bone names
make sure you have them all selected though.

Hi, I’m having an issue where the bones will move, but the body part won’t. Any solution to this?

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Several, though we would need more info. Like is there any errors in your Roblox plugin side, how is your rig set up (file tree)?, what does the rig look like in blender?, is it the same or different too what Roblox looks like?, what blender & plugin version are you using?, is your Roblox plugin side up to date?

IK should not be functioning this way

Whenever i import it does this

I do have the most recent version.

I am also using blender 3.2.0

In studio make sure the rig is in the center of the place, e.g. x0,y3,z0.
Here’s how you’d set this in studio for a R6 rig;

The video is not loading so try to upload it too Youtube then link it so I can help you debug it

Shift click on the armature body part you want to attach first, then shift click on the armature.

Switch to pose mode, then do (ctrl + P) and bind it to the bone.

Now it should move with the bone. Luckily any movement/change to the body parts won’t affect the final outcome as the animation exported is based on the bones, not the body parts (the body parts are purely visual)

If you’re using R6 and looking for the bevel though, export the character seperately from the way you exported with the plugin, then attach the body parts the same way. That way you get body the visual look and the bones in place.

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I’ll upload it to streamable.

Hey so im having an issue that the r6 rig bones is not well rotated, anybody knows how to fix it?


This is just standard issue with r6, if you don’t want to deal with that use Nodes Only

Hey @Den_S! I’ve sent you a tweet regarding this issue a bit earlier, though I’ll repost here additionally for reference.
An animator in a studio I work for has been using your blender rig exporter plugin, but has been receiving an error when attempting to export a .rbxm file with a custom rig.

I’ve identified the issue, and it seems to stem from the fact that the plugin does not support Motor6Ds which aren’t directly parented under a BasePart - I.e., they don’t work if their parent hierarchy is BasePart.Folder.Motor6D rather than BasePart.Motor6D directly: