Blender rig exporter/animation importer

Any plans to add a feature that allows us to define animation events or named keyframes in the blend file? One of my biggest inconveniences is having to re-import the animation into roblox animation editor just to be able to do that and it gets worse when I decide to tweak anything.

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Just a heads up I have found that your version doesn’t work unless the place file is published but once it is it will work both with team create enabled & disabled


Could you tell me from where I could get this rig plz, ty.

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I asked for him to re-upload the rig, here is the new link

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oh man tysm, you’re the goat!!!

If you used the old plugin before running mine it caused this issue, mine works fine regardless of save file although sometimes you gotta import twice to actually preview (which I know the cause and will fix in next major update).

yeah I plan to add this as well as bone toggling/disabling I’ve just been busy with some work and school stuff. For now I guess you can use the old plugin if the workflow is faster or do what ur doing right now. I do plan to though just may be a month or so from now.

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I somewhat fixed this by inserting and using old r15 model using moonanimator. still no idea how to make your avatar use old r15.

Does this have support for mixed bones/motor rigs?
I.E a normal-standard R15 motor rig with skinned mesh hair

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May I suggest making a post for this fork specifically?

Cause I am currently getting these errors;
Failed to load animation: %s. table: 0x4562b12cc3632bee
Failed to load animation: %s. table: 0x6dd872305540a27e

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I figured out you can just edit the player’s character rig via script. There’s welds on the body parts that determine the rig joints, so offset that to match the old R15 rig(I used RigEdit plugin to see joints easier).

local char = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.character

char.RightUpperArm.RightShoulder.C0 =,0.55,0)
char.RightUpperArm.RightShoulder.C1 =, 0.35, 0)

char.LeftUpperArm.LeftShoulder.C0 =,0.55,0)
char.LeftUpperArm.LeftShoulder.C1 =, 0.35, 0)

This still doesn’t fully replicate the old r15 body since new r15 has shorter arms but it should at least make the imported animations’ arms accurate when using the default new r15 body.


it’s completely broken, good job

uhm so ignore everything I said. The problem was I was using an outdated IK rig that used the old R15 rig. You just need to make your own now since I cant find one a good IK rig that use new r15.

Hey @CAUTlONED I didn’t want to disturb you but is there a way to get this awesome plugin to work with skinned mesh tools?

I’m animating a bow and I want it to curve so I have to use bones and all that stuff, it’s already rigged and I have a test animation but I’m struggling to export it to Roblox with the rig, I can only export the animations separately, 1 for the bow and 1 for the arms, but it’s a pain to sync and position it properly, especially because it has to be done with motor6D offsets for each animation.

I’ve seen some tutorials for guns and looks like for tools the rig has to be exported to Blender as one single rig, but when I do this for my bow and export to Blender (with your fork) the bones don’t appear there.

for now my plugin doesn’t support bones, I do plan to add it in the future but I’m too busy to do it anytime in the near future

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Sad to hear that, is there any workaround I can try? For example, if I gave up on the bow curving and just wanted the string to pull back, I would still have to use bones, wouldn’t I? How would I do this with motor6Ds? Maybe simulating a string in-game with beams or something? For now, I just switched to guns, but I have a game idea in mind, and it depends on bows.

Thanks for your attention.

The preview is not working for my animation, is there any fix to this? I also tried to import twice, still no preview!

NVM i guess I need to have the rig selected before importing the animation!

I’m completely like, stuck on this
Does anyone know how to fix this? I don’t want to manually set all of the vertex groups to each bone because that’s way too time consuming.
It never used to do this with older blender versions

I’ve tried switching to newer versions of the plugin but they all have the same issue

I’ve started to use CAUTIONED’s version and I still get the same issue

are you saying the mesh is not following the movement of the bones?

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