Blender rig exporter/animation importer

Yeah, it’s not and I don’t know why

FOr some reason when i Export rig button on studio, it just duplicates my rig and doesnt export it, why?

Okay so turns out this happens if your rig is not parented properly, for example, if your motor6d connects from your hand to a gun but that motor 6d is parented to the HumanoidRootPart, it will break, but if you parent that motor6d to the mesh of what you are attaching, in this instance the hand, it will work.

when i importing the animation, i getting this error:
Failed to load animation: %s. LoadAnimation is not a valid member of Model “Workspace.yarliser” (x2) - Edit

someone could help me fix this error?
alright, i fixed that problem. if you have the same problem, suggesting check if rig’s primarypart is anchored.

Sorry if I missed anything in this post. Does this work with Blender 4.1?
I tried to import my basic decal-less R6 rig, and this error appeared.

And there isn’t a Rbx Animations tab at the sidebar.

For anyone else having the RightLowerArm bound to UpperTorso issue: Check Object Constraints for RightLowerArm.

I’ve been having the same issue for a while now, since I have Blender on Steam I’m able to easily switch to an old beta version of 3.6 where the addon imports fine. I usually import in 3.6 and switch back to the latest afterward. If anyone knows a solution it’d be great to hear.


Bone Selector has returned (he went on vacation) , he also came back with a new friend: Camera Controls . The Camera Controls feature allows you to attach the Camera to parts of your rig. By default it selects anything with "Head " or "Camera " in the name but you can still choose the part you want using the dropdown. This should be very useful to viewmodel/fps animators.

Once I add a Keyframe name/Marker feature I will release a seperate thread. I will also look into making my blender addon compatible with older versions of Blender so that there is no longer any reason to use this plugin over my fixed version and we can lay this thread to rest.

Mesh deformable bone support may be coming soon, I have figured some stuff out just need to test and implement it and make sure it works with most or all rigs.



It seems to be gone again, can someone just send it or smthg. Getting it from a discord link on twitter is by far the least sustainable way to share this

Old message ^^^

This is not necessary anymore. For giggles I went back and tried Baulzy’s rig that I had an old animation on and it imported into Roblox perfectly.

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Oh great. Now I can use this plugin without having to use default roblox animator! Thanks cautioned! Also, when will we be getting support for non humanoid entities? And that to add more rigs?


I have problem with importing animation from blender is that the import button just don’t works and not creating script for blender code.
Has anyone encountered a similar problem and know how to fix this?

You’re welcome.

You can just add an animationcontroller to your rig, I believe this is standard practice for nonhumanoids anyway but you can just delete it after importing if you don’t require or need it for your reasons.

The only rigs not supported right now are bone rigs but it will require some effort and time to figure out on both blender and studio’s side.

this is due to not allowing script injection, you can change that in plugins>manage plugins.

I would highly recommend you use my updated plugin though if you continue to encounter more issues (there are a lot in the original plugin by Den_S)

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I see but by more rigs I meant as in importing 2 rigs at the same time, currently you have to parent body parts and etc which can be kind of time consuming so I am asking if there could be a possibility you could make it something like moon animator? It’s fine if you can’t I do understand you’re a busy person yourself.

Hello, so I’ve decided to report this issue to you because idk if the creator of the original Blender rig exporter is active but I’ve followed this tutorial on attaching weapons to an IK Rig but when I tried to import it, an error appears saying:

it’s because your armature needs to be named __Rig if you are using the old blender addon by den_s, if you use my modified version there’s a dropdown that lets you select any rig regardless of name

ohhh, true this would be useful maybe I’ll add in something for this in the future where it can import from each rig into their own folders or something like that.

oh ok

Thanks though I guess.

Yeah! Thanks! Because this would allow me to make cutscenes easily. Knowing I could just rig everything but that can be time taking.

Is the code for the Roblox plugin public?

you can download it using the btroblox chrome/firefox extension on the plugin page, think you can with any free plugin. I probably should make a github page for it sometime, same with the blender addon as pastebin is blocked in a few countries.

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