Blender roblox camera cutscene

hello guys, this is how import blender roblox camera movement (for in game cutscenes)
(this tutorial is rushed, but if there is already one there and better please link it)

make a base part then create a joint with the camera part (only animating camera part)
make it into a model with both parts, animation controller and animator parented to that

export your scene and right click on it from the explorer (if you’re doing in game cutscene)

all the way at the bottom click on export selection

now get the plugin

import the camera rig (rbx animation)
next import the scene (wave front)

go to pose mode with the camera rig
on bone constraints add copy location and rotation to the camera

then you can hide the camera parts

now start animating!
if you got any questions/complaints, then feel free to ask

here’s the code, i sloppily made and you might wanna edit it
and also change out the id of the animation to be yours

local rig = workspace["camera rig"]
local animatior = rig.AnimationController.Animator

local kickAnimation ="Animation")
kickAnimation.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://16456886101"

local kickAnimationTrack  = animatior:LoadAnimation(kickAnimation)
kickAnimationTrack :Play()

local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
local Camera = workspace.CurrentCamera
local Part = rig.CameraPart

Camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable

	Camera.CFrame = Part.CFrame

camera rig files (if you are lazy)
camerarig.rbxm (4.6 KB)
camerarig.blend (954.2 KB)


weird cutscene you made but well-made tutorial!
keep working on it!


yeah i rushed it, tried to do a swooping in shot but that failed horrendously


You should add skibidi toilets to the game


you should delete roblox… NOW!

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howd you replicate the map from roblox and input it in blender?

thanks mate although i couldn’t understand some parts
i figurd it out myself