Blender Texture problem

After baking my mesh, the texture seems off by a lot. Am I taking the correct steps?

  1. Insert image texture in shading
  2. Create an image
  3. Copy and paste that node into all other materials
  4. Click uv Smart project
  5. Change from eevee to cycles
  6. Click diffuse
  7. Turn off direct and indirect
  8. Click “Bake”
    Here is what the texture looks like in studio.
    Heres what it looks like in blender:
    (The gray is supposed to be brown like the texture.)

This was solved thanks to @xJennyBeanx. Everyone remember to export your .fbx files AFTER unwrapping your model. Again thank you so much Jenny!


Could you send an image of the UV map?

Thank you for helping!

I just unwrapped it using smart UV project. What am I doing wrong?

The texture isn’t unwrapped the same way. Try baking it again and reuploading the texture and/or model.

I have already tried. Is there a problem in the unwrapping itself? I didn’t mark any seams if that’s the issue.

This is most likely the case, yes. The object in studio and the object you textured needs to be the same. If you uploaded the mesh before manipulating its UVs, you must re-upload the mesh.

UV information is stored in the mesh part itself. If this is not the case and there’s still issues, make sure you are uploading the right texture to the object.

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oh thats probably why. Thank you!

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