Blender texture to roblox help

You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:

  1. What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
    I want to import my blender object with the correct textures
  2. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!
    The textures are messed up when I import them from blender to roblox
  3. What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?
    I am importing the mesh as FBX, and the textures are baked with these settings:

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How big is the texture? It looks like Roblox reduced it. Roblox, when downsizing the image, averaged the colors (or something like that) and since you have black surrounding your uv islands, you’ll get black on the mesh. I would recommend grouping all the same colored parts close to each other on the UV map so that there is no black (unless it is needed for the nose and eyebrows). I would also recommend marking seams around the colored areas of the mesh so that when you uv unwrap it all the colored parts stay together on one color uv island.

ok i will try that, and it is only 1024x1024?

I doesnt work… I have tried everything i can think of.

What does your new uv map look like? Does the exact same error occur or is it slightly different?

same error, just moved a little bit

i feel like the error lies within your uv mapping, smart uv unwrap isnt awesome because spacing all the parts is a hassle or i could be wrong but i never had such an issue, the downsizing plus your uvmap is probably whats wrong

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What could i use as an alternative?

manually do your uv seams and space your uv parts

Try to place your seams where the color changes, that way the islands will only need to be one color.