Blender textures being re-used

ah- it’s just 9 on mine because I have 9 meshes using the same material. If it’s not there then there are no meshes using that material

try selecting another one from the dropdown menu

im new to blender, how do i use this material?
i was using a texture.

Do you have no other materials in your dropdown menu? (those are just the ones I have, yours will be different)

i have absolutely no other materials. i am modeling just one thing, so why would i make 2!?

Well uhh… oh umm

is the second part separate?

(when you sect one part does the other get selected as well?)

i dont understand
i said im new to blender so…

oh, they arent separate
they are all connected

ah then since the two parts are actually one part, it will have the same material.

(I will help you more I just need to check how roblox handles multiple textures on one mesh hold on)

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The new block’s UV’s overlap the door’s UV’s. You’d need to unwrap the handle, and place it elsewhere on the UV map. Here’s a guide.

Another problem I see is that you’re using the original UV unwrapping, which was a cube. You don’t have a cube anymore. You stretched the model, but not the UV map, which means you’ll have warped textures.

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i don’t understand. can you explain better?

Read the guide I sent you. That’ll explain it to you. Right now, the UV map of both objects are overlapping, which means the lines will replicated to both objects respectively.

i read it.
makes no sense to me
im new to blender, remember?
i just started yesterday

What you want to do is select all parts of the handle. Then in the UV editor, also select the faces that appeared when you selected the handle parts. Press g to move them. S to scale them. Just move them out of the way.

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thank you for your help! :smile:
i managed to make the door work, due to all your help!
heres an image.

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oh dear, now theres a white LINE on the left side of my door.
how do i fix it?
heres my texture AND mesh

door2.obj (5.7 KB)

I think you may have to adjust your uvs.

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Every square on the left represents a face on the model. Whatever is underneath it on the texture, will be projected onto the mesh.

Your problem is here. As you can see, this face is overlapping with the white part. And thus, you get a white line.

An easy way, but definitely not the proper way (but you’re not doing anything properly anyways), is to just scale down the faces on the UV map.


thanks! :smiley: it worked.
now my door looks realistic!

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