Blender textures to UV texture - how to do it?

Hello, developers. (I’m not sure what created this topic in the right section). I have a problem, I need to convert blender texture to UV map. Do you know any way how to do it?

Thank you for help!

Do you mean turning something like this:
to something like this?:

Because there really isn’t a way, since the UV is needed to make the texture. Like the UV is the prerequisite to the texture (at least, it is when baking).

You can UV unwrap portions of a mesh to try to match up to another texture, but that’s incredibly time consuming and wouldn’t guarantee a match up.

I’ll also mention that Blender questions like this are probably better asked on Blender-related forums. The Roblox dev forums won’t always have the same knowledge or ability to explain the answer. Always check in Blender forums or wikis first :slight_smile: