Blender Traceback Error when "Rebuild rig"

1.Hi! I am trying to animate in Blender for the first time, and I am having an issue. I am currently using 2.80 blender version
2.I have imported a r15 block rig, and everytime I press the “rebuild rig” button, it shows a traceback error.

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I learned that there are python scripts that are added as an add-on to make a RBX animation add on available. I keep seeing an error and I would like to have this issue I’m having resolved.

I read this person’s article and followed the steps, I made sure to locate the humanoid rootpart at (0,0,0), as well as anchor both the rig and the humanoid part (that IS NOT the problem).
I tested out a variety of pre-made python scripts which is the root cause of this problem