Blender Tutorial Reccomendations?

How do I become skilled at using blender?
I tried looking for a decent tutorial on how to create a weapon via hard surface modelling but all of the tutorials i found were really hard to follow, lacking in depth explanations or had no voiceovers which didnt help.
I’m thinking I need to start at the absolute basics first, I don’t really know how to use blender. Does anyone have any great blender tutorials for beginners so I can begin creating assets for roblox?


This guy explains stuff really good, and his YTs have the keys / mouse showing what he does… check out his other vids, he might have a starter

this guy also is good, same as above, he has starter YTs…

even if the subject is advances, you can learn the starter steps by pausing it and duplicating the key strokes, documenting it etc… for his bones one, I created a google doc and on every step documented his key strokes, screen captures, then can also follow the document to duplicate what he does instead of getting lost in the videos …


Thank you, just had a quick look and his channel seems great however cannot find a starter tutorial or anything but thanks anyway!

bumping since i still havent found a good tutorial

I haven’t seen this, but I’ve seen the old version, which was very helpful.

The donut series, by BlenderGuru, is great for an absolute beginner. Most Blender tutorials assume you know your way around the software, if you do not, you should start here


Thanks, i’ll give this a watch!