Blending default run animation with custom tool run animation

My issue is this as I hold down “w” the default run animation is being used, I equip a tool that has a custom run animation and until I let go of the “w” key the default roblox run animation is still being played (this not a seamless between default run animation to my run animation!) I figured maybe it was impossible to blend these so I used an equip animation variant where the player legs don’t move and I anchored the HumanoidRootPart, to my surprise once unanchoring and having the tools custom run animation having already been loaded through code the default roblox run animation is still being played and does not use the proper ones until I let go of the “w” key! How do I seamlessly transition from a default run animation to a custom run animation without the player letting go of the “w” key?

bumping my question, still need help

May I know what priority your run animation is set to?
Also one thing I recommend, try to change the player’s running animation via the LocalScript found in the character.

run animation is set to priority movement.

Bumpbumpbumpbump (please save me)

Bump of hopeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Without code nobody can tell what your problem is, however if you are using the :Play() function on the animationtrack whenever the tool is equipped and your custom animation has a movement priority or higher, then it should override the default running animation.

This is provided that the custom animation is its own animation track separate from the default