Blinking for NPC not working

Hey, I’ve been trying to add blinking to my NPC. But it just doesn’t work, there used to be an error saying attempt to index nil with “Closed” but since I added the “if face then” it’s gone. But it still doesn’t work, could anyone check it out and tell me what is wrong?

local faceTable = {}
	for i,v in pairs(game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Faces"):GetChildren()) do
	local face = faceTable[math.random(1,#hairTable)]
	local mobFace = mob:WaitForChild("Head"):WaitForChild("Decal")
	if mobFace and face then

			while true do
				mobFace.Texture = face:WaitForChild("Closed").Texture
				mobFace.Texture = face:WaitForChild("Open").Texture

As I can see you’re trying to find all faces inside of Replicated Storage, but isnt that easier to just find them with WaitForChild?

Thats blinking script that i using in my game:

local Face = script.Parent

local Closed = Face:GetAttribute("Closed")
local Open = Face:GetAttribute("Open")

local Wtick = Face:GetAttribute("Tick")

if Face then
	while true do
		local randomV = math.random(15,50) / 10
		Face.Texture = Closed
		Face.Texture = Open

I added 3 Attributes: Closed eyes texture, Open eyes texture and delay between opening and closing eyes

Thats seems like easiest way to do it in my opinion

All that script i put in Face decal

'attempt to index nil with “Closed”' means that the face doesn’t exist

My first questions here then are:

  • Are there faces in the face folder?

  • If the answer to that is yes, does the number of items in the hair table match the number of items in the face table

  • If the answer to that is no, that might be your issue

  • third, add a wait(0.05) between the open texture and the end of the while true do loop, as the textures might be changing so fast that it LOOKS like nothing is happening