Hello I want to make a Color Picker GUI that changes the color of a part inside the workspace
Here is the script, but it doesn’t change the color of the part
I also tried to change "color " in color3 but it gave to me this error: "Color3 is not a valid member of MeshPart “Workspace.PlayersFolder.Ironboy1965.Car5.Body.Body”
Cause I’m a new Developer and there are functions that I don’t really know very well so I saw that tostring function converts the string in number , and I thought I had to use it
oh ok, well I changed the script and now the color of the part changes, but it doesn’t change anymore, so if the start color is White, when I change it doesn’t change the color of the part
well the script actually works using a Remote Event so: Script:
local RedEvent = script.Parent.ColorEvent
local Palette = script.Parent.ColorValue
local ColorDisplay = script.Parent.ColourDisplay
local function Color(player)
local Car1 = workspace.PlayersFolder:FindFirstChild(player.Name):WaitForChild("Car5", 1)
local Body = Car1.Body.Body
local Body2 = Car1.Body.Body2
Body.Color = ColorDisplay.BackgroundColor3
Body2.Color = ColorDisplay.BackgroundColor3
Local Script
local ColorEvent = script.Parent.ColorEvent
local ColorDisplay = script.Parent.ColourDisplay