BlockCast hitting a chest causes studio and live player to crash

Edit: As of 5/17/23 6:44pm est this crash only occurs in live games

As the title implies, blockcasting downwards into one of the chest models for my game leads to a crash 100% of the time in both studio and live. Blockcasting works as expected under any other circumstance.

Live Reproduction Steps
Join the linked place → jump on top of the chest

Studio Reproduction Steps
Join the attached studio file → press test → press play → jump on top of the chest
BlockCast Crash.rbxl (104.8 KB)

Video of me following the reproduction steps:


We’ve filed a ticket into our internal database for this issue, and will come back as soon as we have updates!

Thanks for flagging!


I’ve just tried again and it would seem that the crash no longer happens in studio, but still happens in a live game.

I’ve published and linked a place from the reproduction file for testing in a live game.

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Thanks - This will be fixed this week.


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Just circling back here, this was fixed! Thanks for the report @Aizai

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