Blocking System

I’ve been trying for a little over a month now to make a working blocking and parry system. I’ve genuinely tried my best but I cant figure it out. I don’t know how to do it and was wondering if anyone has a block and parry system that works for R6. Thank you!

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Block and parry systems depend on your own attack system. You can use talent hub to find those who you can hire to complete your unfinished systems.

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The most basic way to create a block system is by creating either attributes or boolValues. These will be set to true or false depending on whether the player is blocking or not. If an enemy is about to attack and these values are true then the attack will not do anything

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If you cannot figure out something as parrying system then it would be much better to take two steps back and do something easier, where you gain necessary experience.

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Maybe this can be of interest:

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Pretty much, blocking system can be done via one statement, for example when player press right click and holds weapon, he enters blocking mode, then if he got hit, you can shoot raycast to check side and compare if blocking status is on or off, if it’s on check if side is front soo if he was hit from the back, block will be not applied.

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This is usually good enough and for systems that only allow you to parry if you block at the right time you just attack the duration (or time initiated) of the block that changes any time the input is reinputed.


Here’s a guide I’ve made for stuff related to player states. You need to use weapons that interact with a health module, not just weapons that deal damage to the humanoid.


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