Blocks cant be built outside the given space

Im making a build system and i want it so you cant build outside a the given space, i dont know how to do this (i want to be able to check if the block is within this space befor it is placed)


Heres and example:

local minX = -50
local maxX = 50
local minY = 0
local maxY = 30
local minZ = -50
local maxZ = 50

local function isPositionWithinBuildArea(position)
    return position.x >= minX and position.x <= maxX and
           position.y >= minY and position.y <= maxY and
           position.z >= minZ and position.z <= maxZ
local function handleBlockPlacement(player, block, position)
    if isPositionWithinBuildArea(position) then        block.Parent = workspace
        warn("Cannot place block outside the valid build area.")

local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local block ="Part")
block.Size =, 1, 1)
local position =, 5, 10)
handleBlockPlacement(player, block, position)

Change want you want to change, and make sure everything is customized to your needs.


it always prints, Cannot place block outside the valid build area.

local function isPositionWithinBuildArea(position)
	return position.x >= game.Workspace.End.Position.X and position.x <= game.Workspace.Start.Position.X and
		position.y >= game.Workspace.End.Position.Y and position.y <= game.Workspace.Start.Position.Y and
		position.z >= game.Workspace.End.Position.Z and position.z <= game.Workspace.Start.Position.Z
1 Like

Fixed it,
here is fixed code

local function isPositionWithinBuildArea(position)
	local XTable = {game.Workspace.End.Position.X, game.Workspace.Start.Position.X}
	local YTable = {game.Workspace.End.Position.Y, game.Workspace.Start.Position.Y}
	local ZTable = {game.Workspace.End.Position.Z, game.Workspace.Start.Position.Z}
	local minX = math.min(table.unpack(XTable))
	local minY = math.min(table.unpack(YTable))
	local minZ = math.min(table.unpack(ZTable))
	local maxX = math.max(table.unpack(XTable))
	local maxY = math.max(table.unpack(YTable))
	local maxZ = math.max(table.unpack(ZTable))
	return position.x >= minX and position.x <= maxX and
		position.y >= minY and position.y <= maxY and
		position.z >= minZ and position.z <= maxZ

Happy to help. Feel free to reach out to me if you have anymore questions.

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