Blocks "Shifting" Glitch In My Build

So, I currently have an issue with my build I am working on. I have a few suspicions, but I am completely unsure. In general, if I either test my game, or save, leave, then come back to work on the game some more, blocks and models will “shift” in place. Examples can be seen in the photos below.

These first few photos show windows and doorways being blocked by the large walls having moved, or reshaped in the way of the entrance.

This glitch ranges from the floors having moved up or down by less than one stud, to door frames seeming to have either shifted or have been reshaped, as well as corners of the hallway walls seeming to have extended from where they originally were.

The best theory I have to this is due to the massive size of this map. In the photo below, you can see more of the map having clipped through other parts of the map above the hangar. The best I can compare the Robloxian humanoid to in this map is smaller than the small white dots used as lighting sources to fill the hangar with light (which I moved to make screenshots before I saw the shifts again.

You can kind of see the hangar on the left side of the station as the dark part of the rectangle seen in the photo.

This is an incredibly large map, which I made because I whole heartedly enjoy large-scale builds, inside and outside of Roblox. I am aware that Roblox’s engine isn’t necessarily triple A, so creating projects such as this may include issues. However, this bug is incredibly irritating and, if it is fixable, I would like to find a solution to this issue. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you : )

The highest probability of this issue is due to floating-point errors which happens on far distances away from origin(0, 0, 0). In this case, the build is extremely large(and possibly very far away from the origin) and it is not unusual that it happens. Note an example of this being demonstrated is when the player is flung several studs away, about 500 studs per second away from the origin. The rendering becomes a lot weirder and glitchy, like Minecraft Far Lands.

You can’t really fix floating-point errors, as they, as the best solution, can only be mitigated.

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I guess you could say I’m a little far from the origin.
2021-05-31 (2)

I guess the only solution to this problem would be to move the main portion of the map closer to the origin, but moving that many blocks in such a large amount of space is near impossible. I’ve tried moving the entire build once and it does not go well. I guess I may have to scrap this build, although it was fun working on it.

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