Blocky Farming Devlog #1!
What is Blocky Farming? (I'm new)
Blocky Farming is a small Retro Roblox farming simulator experience where you can build and expand your farm! wow
This area will be expanded a bit more, I’m really terrible at descriptions! :3
Hello, friends,
Today is the first devlog for a small experience I’m creating! In this devlog, I will be listing all of the amazing updates and features that we’ve created/changed! (This is also my first devlog, so feedback is appreciated)
Today is not the first day of this experience, I’m going to skip all of the boring details (I’m sure you rather watch paint dry)!
New Features & Changes.
Gameplay Updates
Cooler Dirt 😎 (8x8)
8x8 Dirt has been added!
This means profit will increase (depending on the seed) if you plant it in an 8x8 patch!
Gamepad/Console Support!
After… 5 hour of coding (embarrassing… right?) the base gamepad system has been added, along with a tip frame for those users!
Demo Video:
As you can see in the video, I never harvested any crops! (That’s because I’m too lazy to add the crop harvesting system back into the game)
Plant Changes 🌱
Plants will now sparkle when they’re finished growing!
Other Changes
The player will now hold out the selected tool they’re using! This feature is about 90% finished (and a whole 0% testing went into it)! The player will hold out the watering can if they’re watering crops, and a seed packet if they’re planting them!
Watering Can:
Seed Bag:
UI Changes
A massive UI change has been added, it actually looks pretty nice now!
Personally, I think this small change is much needed! UI-Design can really spice up the gameplay.
New Developer!
Just hired @cowboy_master13 to create some crops for the experience! Check out the “New Crop(s)” section to see his awesome creations!
What's To Come?
In the future, we’re planning on adding some epix features; some listed below, some kept secret!
- Crop Saving System
- Rain (Speeds up Crop Process Time)
- Multiple Plots (for seeds)
- Trees!
- Multiplayer
- Trading?
- Plot Building System??
And now the DevLog is over… that- or you just scrolled down here. Either way, if you want to help me improve these DevLogs, use the rating system below!
DevLog Feedback!
- Needs Improvement
- It’s Alright!
- Good
- Amazing
0 voters
Experience Concept Feedback
- Lol Bad Concept + Ratio
- Needs LOTS of Improvement, but not Terrible!
- Could use Something Else
- Concept is Great!
0 voters
- Magic Button Yay
- This Button Works Too
- And This One
- Also This One
0 voters