Blocky placement system not actually working on south, west, and bottom side of blocks

I’ve been experimenting with a blocky placement system similar to Minecraft (and using textures of it) and I cannot get raycast to place blocks on the south, west, and bottom sides of existing blocks.

Its hard to explain whats going on here but here a video of it in action:

I suspect its something to do with my rounding function but I cannot figure out which part of it makes it fail

function round4(num)
  return math.floor(num / 4 + 0.5) * 4

but here’s the rest of my build function if it helps

local function build()
if buildMode then
	--// Get mouse position
	local mousePosition = UserInputService:GetMouseLocation()
	local ray = require(script.CameraRay)(mousePosition.X, mousePosition.Y)
	if ray then
		if ray.Instance.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
		local blockifiedPosition = currGhostBlock.PrimaryPart.Position
		--// Get block and placd it at position
		local block = BlockStorage.Placeable.Dirt:Clone()
		block.PrimaryPart.Anchored = true
		block.Parent = workspace
		block.PrimaryPart.Position = blockifiedPosition
		local weld ="WeldConstraint")
		weld.Parent = block
		weld.Part0 = block.PrimaryPart
		if typeof(ray.Instance) == "Model" then
			weld.Part1 = ray.Instance.PrimaryPart
			weld.Part1 = ray.Instance
		block.PrimaryPart.Anchored = false

It seems I’ve fixed it before even getting a response.

For anybody in the future wondering how I fixed this all I did was change the position to

local normal: Vector3 = ray.Normal
local hitPart: BasePart = ray.Instance
local displayPosition = hitPart.Position + normal * 4


I got this from another post but I lost it somehow and it won’t appear in my history