Blocky VHS-looking lines on my screen

okay so for about 2 days my roblox engine has been having this problem where when i move my camera really close to an object in game and move, it makes it really blocky and misplaced.


i dont really know what to do, im on a windows 11 pc with an intel core i5 and an intel irisXe graphics card.
it all started happening when i updated my pc, but the thing is, these blocky lines do not show up on roblox studio or any other 3d games i have played, its only roblox, and its on every roblox game. ive restarted my pc, shut it down and powered it back up, ive even uninstalled and reinstalled roblox. i know this isnt really a game breaking glitch but it just kind of ruins the immersion for me, and it looks bad if im trying to record a roblox video.

anyways, please tell me how i can fix this or if its even possible.
thank you.

edit: i just watched the video and the lines arent showing, ill try to add another video
edit2: added a different video

Disable game fullscreen optimizations

oh my god, thank you so much. it fixed it you are a life saver dude!!! :DD

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