Blox To Life [Update 6]

Update 6
Version 0.14.0

Character Updates

  • Acid Spit - Croc spits out a cloud of poison gas. Any enemies that walk into it get the poison effect.

  • Acid Breath - A ‘hold-down’ attack where Croc rapid breaths toxic gas at enemies.

  • Lantern Light - Croc pulls out a lantern - it glows immensely dazing enemies.

  • Hack n’ Slash - Croc slashes twice and finishes his combo off with a spinning torpedo.

  • Red Croc - Croc becomes enraged which causes him to turn red and grow in size, health, and power! His Acid Spit now becomes a hold-down Acid Breath!

Fire Mage (No Icons)

  • Blazing Blade - Fire Mage performs and upward slash that damages any enemies hit. If no enemies are hit, it will create an explosion doing lesser area damage.

  • Flamethrower - Fire Mage channels his power into a constant flame (hold-down), that will eventually turn blue. Don’t hold it for too long or you may overheat!

  • Trail Blazer - Fire Mage increases his speed which causes a fiery trail to be left behind him. Any enemies that walk through the trail will get fried!

  • Meteor - Throwing his spell book in the air, Fire Mage channels his power into it summoning a giant meteor which falls to the ground doing massive damage.

Bandit (No Icons)

  • Deep Wounds - Bandit sharpens her dagger causing her next auto attack to reduce the target’s defence. This requires the side dagger to be active.

  • Feed The Need - Lunging forward, Bandit uses her dagger to pierce through any enemies that she lands on.

  • Stolen Hammer -Bandit pulls out a giant hammer… where did she get that? How did that fit- Bandit slams down the hammer doing damage and stunning all enemies in the area.

  • Enemies In Arms - They may have been enemies once, but no longer. Bandit summons the famed Red Ant to aid her in battle.

Level Updates

  • King Crab nerfs:

    • Base health lowered by 30%
    • Walkspeed lowered by 15%
  • King Crab hitbox has been extended, he should now be easier to hit


  • Characters are now marked red on the Start Screen and Character Selection side screen when they die so that it is easier to tell which characters are alive/dead.

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