Bloxbiz | An in-game ad platform to help with monetization

why pay a old man 100 dollars for something free on linux

because linux doesnt provide enough functions compared to others OS

Yes it does lol, say what it doesnt and windows does

Most of them are incorrect. “Windows has more distributions that linux” What? Linux has thousands good. Windows costs 100 for something that you can get better for free.

More apps? The apps that arent ported like some image editors exists variants similar to the app.

Better updates? Wtf? Windows updates every 5 months, and most have bugs. Linux on the other hand, is open sourced and everyone can raport bugs instantly.

better support? Exactly. Because linux doesnt need. There are lots of tutorials how to use different distros, sudo, etc.

There are no big benefits to use a 100$ slow, ugly with small configuration OS.

I don’t use it because most of the apps I use for development are not compatible with it. Tough luck, seems you’re stuck with linux until companies port their apps

Let me introduce you with Wine (and grapejuice for roblox studio) that have minimal lag. Linux use far less resourses doing nothing.

I know what Wine and Grapejuice are. I would rather not use a compatibility layer which doesn’t always work (and when it does, I’m going to have to fix bugs and lag) for apps which run perfectly and quickly on windows.

Its like saying “I don’t want a good car because my 1950 car has brakes!”. just because windows is slow and roblox is lazy doesnt mean that everyone should be lazy like roblox. All good apps work with linux.

Nice stawman. Your entire argument consists of “I like linux. Windows is trash. If you don’t agree with me you’re wrong.” I’m not here to spend hours setting up an OS and even more fixing it, I’m here to use the OS.

  1. You have nothing suggesting Windows is lazy
  2. You believe Roblox is lazy because they didn’t spend millions porting their software to an OS that kids don’t use.

I don’t care about all good apps, I care about apps which I use and need for development and other use.

If you really want to continue this PM me

They can’t do this as devs may change an ad to be for one of their games (and still get payed) also the images must be uploaded by the dev.

Yes because having a 4 Billion Net Worth as a company, and an owner with 2.8 billion net worth is “poor”.

They are paying moderation the minimum wage and too lazy to port to linux lol

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lol I just noticed they pay $11 per hour for mods, now I understand why moderation is so bad

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Yeah, you could genuinely care less that’s why you typed out an essay.


Maybe in USA. A hacker showed that 30% mods in USA, 60% India, 10 just showed “other”. I guess in India the minimum wage is way smaller. That explains why saying gay will terminate you in 10 minutes.

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Hi! I would like an update on this service, due to the ToS changing. Please update us on this before the new policy is being enforced next month.

@cpguy5089 Your claim isn’t valid. The policy was changed way after Bloxbiz was created, and the creator of the service is still awaiting an explanation from Roblox about this situation.

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McDonalds can pay there employees minimum wage, does not mean they are poor.

Like dude explain to me why would you want a kind of emulator for windows just to install a few apps, and do you even know anything about linux and what is it used for? It’s used for servers, because of its stability and lack of background apps and processes. Do you know why why windows has background apps and not just bare bone interface that can only run your pc? Because it wants user compatibility, and why is linux so stable? That’s because it doesn’t run background apps and has no software that will tinker with the stuff you are running for optimization. Why does windows do this? To improve your experience. I personally don’t test apps and servers, so why would I need linux? Please do more research on your statements


Most of the “user friendly background apps” are cortana, the anti virus that uses 3-4GB ram doing nothing, the firewall that uses 200MB, and more. If you mean by user friendly “using 35% of your ram doing nothing then yes” that is windows.