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Um, please look at your RAM usage because windows background apps take up like 1 gig of ram for me max

The more ram you have, the more it uses. I have 16 on my pc.

Same here. I don’t know why it does for you then.

It happens mostly when you install a sus proggram, even though the anti virus doesnt detect it, it wll still go haywire and use 3-4GB for like 30 minutes

My guy you know you can disable Cortana right?

It is still going to consume ram. Same for the anti virus

he uses an unlicensed version, in other words, one which he hasnt payed for, for me with all backgrounds running, it doesnt even cross 7 percent

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Ive just disabled it and (yes I did install bloat ware Avast on my PC)

And as you can see there is also no Cortana in the C section of performance

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