Bloxco Stores Handbook

About Bloxco

Bloxco is one of the top groups in the ro-store role-play inudstry. Bloxco has a welcoming staffing team, unique and great game and a continuously growing community. Day-by-day, our members are meeting new people and creating lasting friendships with one another via interacting within our group. No matter who you may be, Bloxco will have an opportunity for you.

Public Information

Game Rules

Following our rules when playing our game ensures smooth operations and a safe environment for all our players. Staff members are continuously strictly monitoring our game, ensuring these rules are followed.

:one: Respect
Treat all members, staff, and management with respect and politeness. We do not tolerate anything other than respect, and you will be punished.

:two: Hacks and Exploits
Hacking/exploiting our game disrupts our services and results in a permanent ban.

:three: Spamming
Spamming or flooding our chats is never tolerated and disrupts our game functioning correctly.

:four: Raids/Protests
Raiding or protesting about any matter is not tolerated, if you have an issue regarding our game open a ticket, if it is about IRL situations protesting in real life, not Bloxco.

:five: Chat bypassing
Never under any circumstances should you be chat bypassing, not only this goes against our rules, it breaks Roblox TOS.

:six: Glitching
Glitching into staff areas or off-limit areas is a bannable offence if caught.

Rank Descriptions

Below is the list of ranks in our group, followed by a description and how to obtain this rank.

myBloxco Member
Normal player in our group.

Player who has passed an application at the Application Centre. They must now train until they are on our staffing team.

Staff Team

Store Colleague
Obtained by passing a training. Deals with tills and customer issues.

Senior Store Colleague
Obtained by being promoted from a promotional shift. Deals with tills, customer issues and makes sure Store Colleagues know what they are doing.

Store Security
Obtained by purchasing the rank via our game passes or training to become it. Deals with trollers, stealers and any customer issues.

Senior Security
Obtained by being promoted from a promotional shift. Deals with trollers, stealers, customer issues and makes sure Security know what they are doing.

Management Team

Team Leader
Obtained by being promoted from Senior Store Colleague in a promotional shift. Hosts shifts, deals with any issues in-game, and supervises lower ranked staff.

Assistant Store Manager
Obtained by purchasing the rank via our game passes or being promoted from Team Leader. Hosts shifts, deals with any issues in-game, and supervises lower ranked staff.

Store Manager
Obtained by being promoted from Senior Store Colleague in a promotional shift. Hosts shifts, deals with any issues in-game, and supervises lower ranked staff.

Obtained by boosting our Discord Server. Helps manage staff and deals with customer issues and manages the tills.

Corporate Team

Intern Corporate
Obtained by being promoted from Store Manager or passing an application. Hosts trainings, moderates the game and Discord, and deals with lower ranked staff.

Junior Corporate
Obtained by being promoted from Intern to Corporate/passing intern trial. Moderates Discord and Roblox, deals with their departmental tasks and answers tickets within Discord, also hosts training and shifts.

Senior Corporate
Obtained by being promoted from Junior Corporate. Moderates Discord and Roblox, deals with their departmental tasks and answers tickets within Discord, also hosts training and shifts.

Head Corporate
Obtained by being promoted from Senior Corporate. Moderates Discord and Roblox mainly, and hosts shifts and training. Deals with tickets and co-managing their department.

Board of Directors
Obtained by being promoted from Head Corporate. Moderated Discord and Roblox, manages their department, answers tickets and watches and manages all staff.

Development Team

Development Team
Obtained by passing a development application or being contacted by Ownership. Has no game access, deals with things and buildings externally.

Ownership Team

Development Director
Obtained by being selected by the Executive Director. Manages all development staff, game progression and development and other issues.

Operations Director
Obtained by being selected by the Executive Director. Manages and oversees operations alongside the Managing Director.

Managing Director
Obtained by being selected by the Executive Director. Manages all company related issues and progression/development. Manages and oversees all operations and Corporate Team.

Executive Director
Unobtainable. Manages all company related issues and progression/development. Manages and oversees all company operations.

Working at Bloxco

To start your journey working at Bloxco, follow the steps below.

Head to our Application Centre and take our short quiz! If you pass, you will be ranked to Trainee, making you able to continue to training.
Application Centre

If you are a trainee, you cannot work on any tills or assist any customers until you are fully trained. Following the application, you have the choice whether to train becoming a security guard or to be a store colleague. To become either Store Colleague or Security, wait for the training for the department you want to be.

Training times are not in a timetable and all training times can be found on the board in the foyer of the store or via the #training-sessions channel in our Discord.

Ban Appeals

Appealing for a ban is simple, regardless what type of ban it is. In some cases it may not be a permanent ban and only a ban that lasts for a few days.

To appeal, you must head to our Trello board found below and find the Punishment Appeal card.

Information Centre

Found below is our Trello board, which contains all important links and information for all members of Bloxco.

Information Centre

Staff Information

Staff Rules

Being a staff member comes with responsibilities, you are trusted with these, therefore you must follow our simple rules when working and representing Bloxco.

:one: Respect
Treat all other employees with respect, kindness, and politeness

:two: Professionalism
Remain professional at all times and act appropriately.

:three: Promotions
Do not ask for a promotion at any moment, that is hinting, and it is not allowed. Continue to work hard and attend shifts, and you will get a higher chance at being promoted.

:four: Uniform
Wear the correct uniform for your rank, found in the uniform room. This includes a staff headset and a lanyard.

Staff Responsibilities

As stated in the staffing rules above, all staff members have their duties and responsibilities for their rank. Find these below.

Staff Team

Senior Store Colleagues & Store Colleagues are responsible for:

  • Assisting customers with any general questions
  • Restocking our shelves by collecting boxes from the warehouse
  • Cleaning the floors
  • Helping customers purchase their items/asking for ID
  • Serve customers

Store Security are responsible for:

  • Assisting customers with any general questions
  • Jailing and warning stealers
  • Assisting with general moderation of the store
  • Helping assist with trollers

Management Team

All ranks under the Management Team are responsible for:

  • Assisting customers with any general questions
  • Hosting shifts within the game
  • Helping at training sessions
  • Assisting the staff team
  • Assisting with general moderation of the store

Corporate Team

All ranks under the Corporate Team are responsible for:

  • Managing the staff team and ranks below them
  • Answering Discord tickets
  • Hosting shifts and trainings
  • Moderating the Discord and Roblox game
  • Cleaning & Restocking

Any questions?

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to open a ticket in our communications server to get in touch with us! Speak to someone in-game if you are not able to join the server.