I quickly threw together a thing that turns you into a bloxikin.
Chillin’ with Reese
LOL I made this exact some thing months ago but never publicised it! (until now)
Mine adjusts arm and head placements based on whether or not a package/special head is used and it also changes your character’s face to have big eyes similar to that of a bloxikin because I planned on redrawing every face but never got around to doing it
They’re so cute!!! agggggh!!!
Looks awesome, I want one
It messed up. D:
Super adorable!
My only suggestion is to remove Body Meshes from characters who have them. To my knowledge BLOXikins are usually blocky, so I think it would make them look 10x better, plus the arms aren’t centered unless their blocks.
[quote] Super adorable!
My only suggestion is to remove Body Meshes from characters who have them. To my knowledge BLOXikins are usually blocky, so I think it would make them look 10x better, plus the arms aren’t centered unless their blocks. [/quote]
It was supposed to, I think I messed up somehow.
Off topic: Brckrrrrrr did not accept my friend request.
[quote] Needs support for the 3.0 Head.
Otherwise, really neat. [/quote]
SpecialMeshes are weird, some heads work, others don’t. I’ll look into that.
Neat, would make for a really wacky package :DDD
Although while I find the thought interesting, I know that’d never work.
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