Welcome to Bloxmart’s Handbook! This handbook will demonstrate how operations are held, how the ranks here at Bloxmart work, recipes for McBloxers, among other important information.
- Follow all Roblox ToS, the severity of your violation will determine whether you get a kick, ban, or further consequences.
- Trolling is not permitted. You will be warned ONCE, and upon continual will get kicked.
- Remain respectful to all staff, and keep Bloxmart a civil place that is drama-free.
- Do not bypass any moderative actions that have been placed on by staff, they are done for a reason, and as such, you must serve your necessary punishment.
- Controversial topics are prohibited from being talked about on Bloxmart, and if caught sparking discussion about said topics, you will be server banned immediately.
- Use common sense when playing Bloxmart. Chances are if you think it’s bad, it is likely against the rules.
- Caps abuse is permitted if not spammed. However, any spamming (regardless if it is involving caps) will result in a kick.
- Wear appropriate attire. Any attire with the intention of impersonation or bypassing will result in a 2 minute gap to change before a ban.
Customer - They do not work as staff, must follow the above rules, but can otherwise shop freely at Bloxmart.
Noted Customer - Either a retired member of Corporate or Leadership, or is an affiliate representative.
Awaiting Training - CANNOT WORK AS STAFF YET. They are to attend a training session upon receiving this rank.
They must follow the same rules as above, including these three rules.
S1. They must use grammar when working at the store and on-duty.
S2. Any permissions given to you are not to be abused, if caught will result in an instant termination.
S3. Do not AFK-farm points. Your points will be reset at first, and then you will be fired for further offenses.
Junior/Senior Team Member - Can work at the store now, must follow all staff rules above.
Team Leader - Can work at the store, approach the MR+ ranks, and serve as a helper during training sessions.
These are the ranks most of you will approach from here. Once you become the next rank, Management Intern, you will be guided on the ranks above. However, the ranks are still nice to know, so here is a brief summary of the rest of the ranks.
(Management Intern - Manager) - Management Team, referred to as MR. They can kick trollers, however do not have full perms to ban.
(Executive Intern - Coordinator) - Executive Team, referred to as HR. They can kick, ban, but cannot do any permanent bans.
(Corporate Intern - Senior Corporate Officer) - Corporate Team, referred to as SHR. They have full permission to kick, ban, and pban as necessary, although certain cases will be handled by certain departments.
(Any rank that starts with Chief) - Leadership Team. They handle and oversee the operations and rules of Bloxmart, and have full perms to do as they wish.
You can either work at the register, or serve at our McBloxers Cafe.
The procedural instructions will be guided to you at trainings, however, the recipe guide for the McBloxers will be provided to you down below.
Recipe Guide:
Soft Drinks: Cup > Drink of Choice
Ice Cream: Cone > Flavor > Topping
Chicken Nugget/Leg: Meat > Cook
Burger: Meat > Cook > Toppings > Bun (hover)
Hot Dog: Bun (click) > Meat > Cook
As our checkout system is incomplete, we will just roleplay it for the sake of convenience and operations.
If you have any further questions, feel free to ask any staff in-game or any form of communications that we have here at Bloxmart, which will be displayed on our group page for you to join.
Last Updated: 5/28/2023 by Columbux