Bloxtech Applications V2 | Free application centres | Web interface

Is the database hosted with the webhost as well? I’d personally see that as a security flaw. I dont have much faith in hosting providers.


It indeed is hosted at a hosting provider, however we use a decent one that’s really known. :blush: Our user’s security is important to us.

You willing to share the host you use? The lack of public information is a bit concerning, If I were to use this I would want to know where my data is, What I am accessing, etc. With a VPS I know my data is behind a password that the provider doesn’t have.

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That’s not a very good argument. All VPS hosts have a way for them (the host) to access your VPS if required. It is, after all, their machine.

It’d require them to modify the root password, would it not? Which then I’d know the touched the server.

Not to mention my ubuntu server virtual hard drive is encrypted, which means the data written to the actual drive is encrypted.

No — they can directly access it through the virtualisation layer, they can also just… change your root password back to what it was after if they do it that way?

How are they gonna modify an encrypted drive without the password, They can attempt to access, but they’d need root password, but if they externally look at the data. It. Is. Encrypted. They don’t know the password I used.

It’s just like roblox. They have all of our information. So does google. Google tracks our info and gives it to the government. NOTHING we do online gives us full protection. Yes they can access it. Anyone can access it.

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That is beyond the scope of not only this topic but the discussion and my point…

You’re talking in the sense that all hosts have the ability to access your information.

Now with our information, that’s something that would go in the privacy policy. Of course the hosts has access to our information, but I highly doubt they’ll use it illegally.

We use hostinger as our host. Sorry for the late replies, I have been sick.

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New update! :smiley:

We’ve made you able to toggle the status of roles independently in your centre. This way, you’re able to stop people from applying for that one role you already found enough staff for. :blush:

Who can modify this status?
Only the owner of the application centre can, as well as anyone who you gave admin permissions. Readers do not see this switch, and cannot use the endpoint that’s behind it. :smiley:

How do I enable or disable this?
It’s easy! Select a centre on your dashboard, and on the next page just toggle the switch. It auto-saves.

What if no applications are enabled? Will my centre still work?
Yes, your players won’t see any weird errors haha. They’ll just see this screen! (With your application name obviously)

Questions, concerns? Shoot a reply! :slight_smile:

Kind regards,

Founder of BloxTech Group

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Hey Jonas,

That’s an extremely cool and useful update! I have some suggestions for it though.

Imagine a situation where the applicant don’t know which application is closed and because you can’t go back when you see that ‘closed’ message, you need to rejoin to check the status of another application.

My suggestion: Grey out and disable the button, and even better, add a prefix with a [CLOSED] tag or such. :slight_smile:

I look forward to your changes!

If you don’t have enough time, I’ll do it for you. :wink:

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Hey! When only one of both is enabled, it’ll only show that one. Only if none are available, you’ll get the screen showed above. :slight_smile:

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:partying_face: Update!!

You can now see the date someone submitted their application. This to get rid of those people saying “I submitted it a week ago but it was not read”, whilst they actually just sent it. :smiley:

Side note, all applications sent before the 24th of March 2020 will state that they have been sent at the 24th of March.

:partying_face: Peformance update!
We received several complaints from popular clients who received a lot of applications that our website was slow when reading them, and that there was a lot of lag. We have now resolved this by using vue.js and making use of pagination! :smiley:



You are now able to switch between new, processing, passed and failed responses without even reloading the site!

Might want to update your footer copyright year. :stuck_out_tongue:

Also, small bug:


Whoops, our apologies! In response to your feedback, we’ve immediately updated the site! Thank you for providing us feedback, it helps us to keep the quality!


Is there a way to buy a version or delete the watermark for free? Like the Bloxtech Applications written below the questions when you join the game.

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No, there’s no way to remove the watermark at the moment. In our future versions we might consider to allow you to remove the watermark in some kind of premium plan, though.

Thanks for your feedback! :heart: