Bloxville County Roleplay | Update Guide

Group Link: White Forest Police - Roblox

New Features

  • Vehicle Damage:
    Crashing vehicles will now result in your vehicle taking damage. If your vehicle takes too much damage, it will blow up. If your vehicle blows up, you will be automatically respawned and your vehicle will no-longer be usable.

  • Vehicle Suspension:
    Improved all vehicles’ suspension. This means more realistic breaking and accelerating; also easier to climb up sidewalks.

  • New Teams:

    • If you are on the LowClass team you will spawn in a lower-class area; less privileged, less pricy houses and city props. A more busy and busted up place is more-likely to be here in the low-class area. You will also spawn with an average weapon. You do not need to be in the White Forest Police group to join this team.

    • If you are on the HighClass team you will spawn in a higher-class area; more privileged, more pricy houses and city props. A less busy and less busted up place is more-likely to be here in the high-class area. You will also spawn with better weapons. You need to be in the White Forest Police group to join this team.

    • If you are on the Taxi team, you can bring/lift people in your vehicle! You can only use vehicles supplied by the Taxi company. You do not have any weapons on this team. You do not need to be in the White Forest Police group to join this team.

  • Realistic Lighting: more aesthetic

  • City Props: more realistic

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Weapons
  • Removes Citizen Weapons On LE Teams
  • Fixed Floating Map Border
  • Fixed Items Not Being Given On Respawn


Game Link: ⭐️ BCRP: Bloxville County Roleplay (ALPHA) - Roblox
Group Link: White Forest Police - Roblox

Please go and check out the game, and join our group!

Thanks to Finnsofficial & Aiexqeo for making this update possible - We also thank our many contributors, Testers, and VIPs!