I made a bloxy cola machine
Things I'm Well Aware
I’m aware there’s no buttons
I had a dream about Bloxy Cola (and a atm) and I had to make a Bloxy Cola Machine.
I made a bloxy cola machine
I’m aware there’s no buttons
I had a dream about Bloxy Cola (and a atm) and I had to make a Bloxy Cola Machine.
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Sadly Not, I’m no scripter.
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I can see the decal on the front of the machine is going off the sides, try applying the decal to the main cylinder instead.
That’s really well done
Sorry, Can’t do that I tried to but it would not let me rotate the decal.
Could you not just rotate the cylinder…?
No, since the decal will start flickering.
Hmm, Dupicate the cylinder, then resize it to the way you want, put the bloxy cola decal on the smol cylinder.