Bloxy Kart OST: Lobby

Greetings! I am creating some new songs for my game. I am wondering what you think of this.

Updated version after some feedback:

It first plays when you join the lobby.

Let me know what you think, and if I should change anything!

Thanks in advance!


That is a very good tune for the lobby, i would give a rating of 5/5

Overall it is a good piece of music to listen to, that deserves a thumbs up from me :+1:


Iā€™m not a musician (although Iā€™m thinking of getting into music) but somethingā€™s just really off. It almost feels out of tune.

I get itā€™s lobby music, but youā€™d think it would be more exciting. You want to be excited about getting into the game, not feel like a youā€™re in a dreary purgatory.

Also, thereā€™s really nothing to it. Itā€™s some piano and ukulele(I thinkā€¦) with a rather uninspiring drum beat in the background. Then it just switches to a drum solo that frankly overstays itā€™s welcome and thatā€™s it. It lacksā€¦ depth? I really donā€™t know how to say it.

I really have no idea what Iā€™m talking about, so what I said might just be a incomprehensible mess of an opinion piece. But I hope it at least made some sense, and I wish you well on your musical endeavors.

Also, the TTS voice saying ā€œBloxy Kartā€ cracked me up. I know itā€™s a watermark, though.


My thoughts similarly. To me it feels unsettling and strange.


What could make it more exciting? It is a re-creation of what is currently in the game.

(Also to @KristopherVector )

More instruments, a faster tempo, less out of tune ukulele sounds. Just spitballing here.

How is this?


It should be relaxing, the instruments you use are weird and unsettling as I said earlier


More instruments? The amount of instruments doesnā€™t often matter, as long as it sounds right
In this case it should be a little more relaxing, Iā€™m not saying overly, but more than this.


It feels really repetitive and random. I like the percussion though.

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The music seems good but I think you should get rid of the beeping noises and add more instruments. Like a beat in the background or smth

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Itā€™s not really out of tune, since itā€™s digital. I think you mean the mix of pitches donā€™t feel right.

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Yeah, thats what I meant. didnā€™t know how to say it

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Itā€™s good for a start, but I think you should probably stick to a key. The note of the big beep sound clashes with the main melody that plays, and I think thatā€™s what the issue may be.

I can tell youā€™re using Garageband (I think)! Garage band honestly a really good starting tool. You should use the feature called ā€œQuantatizingā€. It allows you to ā€œsnapā€ the notes onto the grid so that theyā€™re not off beat, unless thatā€™s the style youā€™re going for.

Iā€™m a producer so Iā€™m down to help any way :smile:


Yeah. Im thinking of buying Logic if they make an iPad version for iOS 16.

the note feel random and ai generatedā€¦

Its repeating bloxy kart in a horrid tone of a voice, its almost a bit annoying.

But theres also some beats within the music which would sound better if they got turned down a bit in volume, sort of sounds like you mashed a tons of beats together

Hmm well better-yet Soundcloud is free and better for beginners, it comes with a easy to use studio, tons of already noncopyrighted free to use sounds, and tutorials, and team create for if you wanna work with people.

Its for mobile and pc!

I have a Mac, and like to do everything on it. Im also good with GarageBand for now.

I think you meant SoundTrap as I just looked all over soundcloud and couldnā€™t find anything about making music aside from uploading your own audio files.