Bloxy Kart v3.8 - Update Log

Bloxy Kart v3.8 brings back one of the most iconic features, Characters!


  • Added characters
    → Anyone who has played Bloxy Kart in the past will get their old characters automatically
    → Unlike characters from older versions, your avatar will be equipped by default
  • Added Tires currency
    → Points from older versions of Bloxy Kart will transfer to Tires
    → You can receive this currency by playing Time Trials or Multiplayer
  • Rewritten sprinting system
  • New Menu Bar with modern design


  • Small World is now 3 laps

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where Eggsburg and Small World’s saver do not work
  • Fixed a bug where the Obby Reward would not work
  • Fixed a bug where hats and your kart can block first person view
  • Fixed a bug where Free Roam will show Best Time
  • Fixed a bug when hovering over UI, it would show a different color when unhovering
  • Fixed a bug where Willi’s House was not possible to complete

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  • Fixed a bug where there would be 2 sprinting buttons on mobile
  • Fixed a bug where the sidebar would be too big on mobile