Bloxy Translating Association

  1. Why do you think I have a small chance of becoming successful?
  2. Who said I failed?

Topic Updates :bookmark:

I’ve updated the topic recently and I’d suggest you read it because it includes important hiring information.

I claimed you might’ve tarnished your reputation, I never claimed you can’t become successful. Anyone is capable of becoming successful however it’s not possible to achieve without acknowledging where improvement is necessary, understanding why some of the clients opposed your services.

If you don’t believe you’ve failed than disregard everything I’ve stated above. If you believe it’s possible to manage 3 projects without side tracking yourself or becoming overwhelmed then by all means continue. It’s your choice to take my advice into consideration or to disregard it entirely, do whatever you feel is best for you.

Regardless of everything I’ve stated earlier, Bloxy Translating has potential if everything goes smoothly as you’ve portrayed it to be. However… I cannot stress enough that if hypothetically your team failed to satisfy a consumer 100%, you would be held accountable. So please be wary of who you work with, make sure you’re confident to consider them a business associate. I want you to succeed yet you cannot be oblivious to the risks behind running a service.

In the future I may consider using this service, so till then best of luck to you

Thank you for your advice. To be honest, I have disregarded some of it, but I’ve taken most of it into consideration


I’d like to announce that we may offer in the near future a free 500 Words in a language of your choice in order to gain good reviews.

:smiley: Attention Customers!! :shopping_cart:

We recommend you join our Discord server to contact us easily. The benefits of joining our server are discount codes and other cool things!!!


I left the association due to some problems I had with the association.

You stated to us that you left the association because of all the bad comments people are giving us.

This project is now closed and we’ll n9 longer continue accepting offers. The reason will not be discussed.

I think it is a big problem about the association. Isn’t it?

The problem will not be discussed as stated and no it isn’t.

Are you looking for more translators?
I am a Polish native with a good grammatical knowledge.

Not at this moment because we’re closed although if we reopen then we’d be more then happy to have you on the team.

it’s a new service therefore it’ll have a fair amount of criticism and praising. Personally I saw potential in this service if the following issues were resolved:
1). Allowing translators to continue selling cheaper independently renders this system useless. To fix this problem either permanently or temporarily prohibit the team from doing translations outside of work assigned by the association.
Ex: Timmy wants 6 words translated, Timmy would rather contact @Pancake1824 directly however pancake informs Timmy that he can’t accept his request without @TheGuyThatScripts approval.

2). Considering translating isn’t in high demand compared to building,programming,GFX… you’re less likely to get customers especially if you’ve got 0 credibility built up at the moment. To build up credibility at a faster rate i’d recommend going from group to group offering your services voluntarily till you’ve got a stable amount of credibility built up. If you did offer volunteer work, demand the customer writes a review regarding their experience while using the service.

One positive review would grab customers attention at a faster rate, as more reviews come through the more traffic and demand you’ll receive.

3). Remaining patient, success doesn’t happen over night nor is it predictable. If you don’t believe you’ll succeed than you never will. It could take days,months, and possibly years depending on how you market yourself however keep in mind you don’t have to do it solo. Discuss among your team on what could be improved, put together a plan to optimize your chances of becoming successful.

While it’s your choice, I’d advise against proceeding with this decision. Regardless of which you choose, best of luck to you.

Personally, the only benefit I see of having translating done through an association like this is increased speed, since there will hopefully be multiple translators on one project. If not, what’s the point of having this association with multiple members.

I might need some translating done in future. Why should I give the association my money instead of an individual translator? thanks

We have faster and better communication as well as a Support team. Also we’re no longer open

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Hello there,
As I stated before I am just worried about the negative critisizm that is stated towards @TheGuyThatScripts. If you read the replies you can understand why I left the group.

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