Update List from Bloxy Golfing - Roblox
OBS: I won’t be updating for now. I’ll go back into developing it on december, and It will probably be a huge update, so it might take weeks or even months for it to be finished. Please be patient.
• Changes made on Evergreen Lands on 16/04 and 10/04 applied to other courses.
• Some more spectator changes;
Changes made only on Evergreen Lands, to be released for other maps:
• More camera bug fixes, potentially fixing a game breaking bug;
• Curve and Spin effect numbers are now rounded;
• Green Zone has its own music theme;
• A transparent point now appears showing the strength used of the previous shot.
• Some musics were changed due to roblox changes on Asset Privacy for audios;
• Bug Fixes and improvements on spectator camera for testing on evergreen lands;
• Tournament Leaderstats now won’t show up on Lobby;
• Fixed Bug where Beam Impact wouldn’t give double reward;
• Beam Impact will only apply if the strike distance is 60 studs or higher and your score is Par or better;
• Jester Club Set Added (-1 Wind, +3 all other stats; Price: 10000);
• Top View Camera Option replaced minimap;
• Driver Club Angle changed from 30 to 35, decreasing ground travel distance but increasing ball control;
• Vermillion Volcano wind reduced from 2-6 to 1-5;
• Fixed Vermillion Volcano HIO value (was 100 when it was supposed to be 120);
• Added Custom animations for the Snooker Club Set;
• Quickplay button will only choose courses of 1 star to create when none is available;
• First Place player model are shown on a stand;
• Highscores were reset due to some map balancement;
• New Golf Course: Vermillion Volcanoes;
• Auto Equip club option (equips the recommended club for your shot auromatically; Can be toggled off on settings);
• Players can rejoin a match they leaved if it’s still being played;
• Player Settings are now saved;
• Fixed game breaking bug (if you didnt set a custom ball to use, you wouldnt be able to apply spin or curve effects).
• Fixed game breaking bug (games would freeze after you finish the first hole;
• Reward multiplier changed (+1 +2 and +3: from 10 to 15% of reward; Par: from 15 to 25% of reward; Birdie: from 30 to 50% reward; Eagle: from 60 to 75% reward; Albatross and HIO: still 100%);
• Giant House course added;
• Changes made on Sepia Hills to make it a bit easier to play;
• Gui changes;
• Minimap added. Will probably be replaced by a topview câmeras option;
• Enhanced mobile curve/spin controls;
• Xbox can now set curve/spin effects by pressing the L3 thumbstick and then moving it (fixed on 20/09/21).
• If you reset your character and click Play again you will continue from your last strike;
• Drastic GUI changes;
• GUI Scale settings;
• “Overdrive” Spin Effect;
• “Snooker” Set added: +3curve, +3spin and +1accuracy;
• “Snooker” Ball skin added;
• Curve and “Overdrive” stats reduced, but can be doubled when using a powershot;
• Match start and finish cutscenes;
• Strength Stat now gives 1 distance on driver and iron instead of 3;
• Every 2 Strength Stat now gives 1 extra dist on the Putter;
• Shop prices reduced and stat changes.
• Curve Effect: will make a curved trajectory on the ball. Usefull when passing vertical obstacles;
• Curve Stat: will incrase the amount of curve you can make;
• New Bats which will have Curve Stats;
• Highscores added on each map (will be fixed and reset if glitched);
• Napalm gives 10 reward when used;
• Reward calculation GUI updated;
• Pointing mouse/touching distance bar will show the distance the ball will land/travel on the chosen strength.
- News GUI now also shows future updates;
- Implemented distance meter on putter clubs;
- News GUI replaced 3D sign.
- Bloxy shots give less energy (from 1 bar to 0.3 bars);
- New Stat: Energy. Each point on it increases the amount of energy a Bloxy awards by 0.05);
- 2 New club sets: Runic Set (+1 Energy) and Neon-Tech Set (+2 Energy, +2 Accuracy);
- Power Shots have a special pose on all maps now. Darkness effect is now applied on all maps when using Power Shots.
- Power Shots gained a special pose and strike animation on Windy Icefloes. Will be applied to other maps in the future if no bugs are found.
- Fixed Evergreen Plains course only having one hole.
- Darkness effect while napalm is toggled;
- Fixed bug where using Wind Fighter Set on a place with wind 0 would instantly stop the ball at Out of Bounds;
- Wind Fighter Set Stats changed from [Wind-1] to [Wind-1, Strength+1];
- Wind Fighter Set Price changed from 15000 to 6000;
- Distance bar now has a linear scale (was exponential before);
- Strenght Stat Changes: +1 Strenght = +3 max distance;
- Napalm: changed from [increasing max velocity by 10%] to [increases max distance by 10 studs];
- Added the option to leave a match and return to lobby at the middle of gameplay;
- +1, +2 and +3 score animation, sound and textfont changed;
- Hovering over the clubs now shows max distance instead of strenght;
- Distance and Height Info fontsize increased.
- Ronin Club Set Added: +1 strenght, +3 accuracy. Custom animations;
- Shop now shows all club visuals instead of just the driver;
- Animation changes.
- Bug Fixes;
- Difficulty level and hole value are now shown on map select.
- 2 new Club Sets added: Primitve Set and Paper Set;
- A failsafe was added to game: roblox physics on rare ocasions skips cycles, letting small things like the golf ball go through the terrain or parts. There is no way I found to fix this, but for now if you do end up stuck inside the terrain, the shot will be canceled and you will return to the previous position you striked the ball at.
- Tutorial Dialog Changes;
- Bug Fixes;
- Wind changes on all maps (peacefull lands is more peacefull now);
- Peacefull Lands and Evergreen Plains Hole Value increased from 50 to 60. Horizon dunes Hole value increased from 75 to 80.
- Inventory, shop and currency system implemented. It’s in BETA, and the inventory/money will be reset after a period of time. Players that tested the inventory will get a reward after the reset;
- [REVERTED] Wind info is shown as double of what it used to show (wind values didnt change). Ex: wind 3 is shown as wind 6;
- Par reward changed to 15% of the hole value;
- Bogey replaced by +1, +2 and +3. You can’t get more than +3. Reward value of +1, +2 and +3 is 10% of the hole value;
- Hide Players Button moved to the settings frame;
- Bug Fixes;
- GUI Changes.
- Adjusted dist reward proportion to math.ceil(dist/3) (Ex: holing from 100 studs was rewarding 100, now it rewards math.ceil(100/3) = 34).
- Server list shows spectator amount;
- All courses now have MaxPlayers set to 100. Only 12 players can compete, the rest are spectators;
- Leaving a competition before finishing it disables the player from rejoining as a competitor. Players that finished the course will be ranked higher, no matter the score difference.
- Fixed a bug on the lobby when playing the tutorial;
- Lobby changes;
- Workers are preparing something on the lobby???
- Xbox/Gamepad controls added;
- GUI Changes;
- Bug Fixes;
- Tutorial text changes.
- Small Animation Changes (arm doesn’t look like it’s pulled out of the body now);
- Bug fixes.
- HOTFIX: matches were lasting only one minute instead of thirty.
- Tournament Ending added, preventing players to keep playing, showing the leaderboard and a Leave button; Adjustments will be made.
- Extra OB areas added on sepia hills and Horizon Dunes;
- Server list now shows the correct amount of holes a game have (6 instead of 8).
- Horizon Dunes finished (6/6 holes). Might need adjustments;
- GUI changes;
- Volume Settings Added.
- Bug Fixes;
- Servers that are being created can already before the creator teleports;
- Horizon Dunes minor changes;
- Peacefull Lands minor changes.
(24/07/21) & (25/07/21)
- Horizon Dunes Course (4/6 holes);
- Camera changes and spectator mode;
- Gui Changes;
- Bug Fixes
- New Lobby for the Game. (Will be improved Over Time);
- Quick Play now prioritizes to join servers with friends;
- Gui changes;
- Finished Evergreen Plains Holes;
- Hide Players Feature.
- Reward system changes: the score doesn’t act as a multiplier anymore (ex: birdie doubling score). Instead they have a fixed value on each course (HIO, Albatross: 100% of the course value; Eagle: 60%; Birdie: 30%; Par: 11%).
- Arctic map changes and new name: Windy Icefloes;
- Evergreen Plains hole 4 and changes.
- Putter bat automatically equips when the ball land on green area;
- Bug fixes.
- 3 holes for a new map: Evergreen Plains. Supposed to be an easier course.
- Finished the remaining Arctic Map Holes. Might need adjustments;
- If a player fails to teleport the loading screen now disappears;
- Tournament Maps will become unjoinable for play when its timer reaches 10:00 minutes;
- Bug Fixes.
- Teleport Loading screen added;
- Servers that passed the tournament time (30 minutes) are tagged as finished, becoming unjoinable;
- Gui changes.
(10/07/21) & (11/07/21)
- UI Design drastically changed;
- Server Gui drastically changed: servers show what friends are playing, a Create Match and a QuickPlay button was added. Create Match will create a new game on the course you chose. Quick Play will try to find avaiable servers and choose one of them randomly to play. If there is no available servers, a new one will be created on a random course, and you will be sent to it;
- Button to show leaderboard for mobile users;
- 4 Arctic Courses;
- Beam Projection now shows further;
- Bug Fixed: the power meter now goes back at the correct time and doesn’t get stuck.
- Balls now disappear after a player resets / quit while playing;
- Camera Minor Changes;
- Server scripts optimizations;
- Power Bar Adjustments and bug fixes.
- Tournament Leaderboard replaced default PlayerList
- Bug fixes.
(03/07/21) & (04/07/21)
- 4 more holes on Sepia Hills (adjustments needed);
- Size of Ring on Sepia Hills-Hole 2 reduced.
(29/06/21) & (02/07/21)
- Bug fixes;
- Server list games show Icons of friends that are playing;
- Fixed the tutorial button not closing;
- Camera improvements;
- Napalm Charge Visual Effect changed.
- Peacefull Lands (Terrain) changes.
- Help Button added;
- Hole 2 of Sepia Hills.
- Added an intermission cutscene between holes showing the current score of the players;
- Added a Power Bar. You can charge it up to three times. If you have at least one charge and press F, a special shot will be made, which gets 10% increased power and stops rolling as soon as the ball collides;
- Terrain changes the speed of the putt bar (sand speeds up, fairway/green speeds down);
- Added an Accuracy Test, if you dont hit the right timing the ball direction will be affected;
- Fixed Beam Projection of ball trajectory;
- Score Billboard fixed and updated.
- Shot Bar design changes. Started accuracy implementation (after you select strenght, you will have to hit a right timing to make a precise shot).
- After a shot the game shows what the current terrain, distance travelled and distance left to the hole, OR Out of Bounds.
- Out of Bounds area added: if the ball lands there, it goes back to where you did the shot. Water counts as OB;
(18/06/21) - ServerList updated: changed from publicservers to reservedones, so you can create empty games, instead of joining a game if the course you chose already is being played in some server.
(17/06/21) - Fixed game breaking bug on main place where people couldn’t start the game;
- Fixed bug where equipping bats midstroke would stop the game progression.
- Fixed bug where you would stop being able to shoot the ball on Peacefull lands (Terrain).
- Golf Ball camera track movement adjusted to the player framerate;
- Added friction to terrain;
- Beta Server List enhanced, now showing the game timer properly;
- Sepia Hills Map development began.
- Added a test place with a terrain converted map (need to adjust friction);
- A server list of the test place, which will be used to see/join current games in the future.
- Fixed some bugs like striking the golf ball when pressing space on chat, and being able to strike the ball while the score cutscene is playing.
- Tournament State shown on lobby;
- Points were added, even though they have no purpose for the moment;
- Sixth course changes;
- Total of 6 maps on the tournament;
- Wind changes;
- Gui Changes;
- Preview Shot and distance;
- Wind doesn’t change on the middle of a strike anymore;
- Bug fixes;
- Balls use Gyro to reduce friction instead of bodyvelocity(not optimal either);
- Checkered texture added to greenzone;
- Leave particles affected by wind;
- Gravity changed to fix some issues like stucked balls.
- Different bats added, each for a certain type of play.
- Lobby added;
- Wind Factor added using bodyforce.