Bluetag | Open-sourced, easily made chat tags & bubble customization


Chat Tags & Bubble Chat Customization

Bluetag is an open-sourced single-module script by Bluesync that allows you to easily create in-game chat tags and modify the bubble chat appearance.

It has three values:

  • Adjust for a specific player.
  • Adjust for a member with a specific group rank.
  • Adjust for a member who owns a game pass.

These are the functions Bluetag has to offer!

Create Chat Tag

Bluetag:CreateTag(Type: string, Propertieswindow: table)

Create Bubble Adjustments

Bluetag:CreateBubble(Type: string, Propertieswindow: table)

Create Chat Tag & Bubble Adjustments

Bluetag:CreateTagBubble(Type: string, Propertieswindow: table)


"User" or "Group" or "Asset"


  -- // General properties
  ["Id"] = 12345678,
  ["Rank"] = 255,

  -- // Tag properties
  ["TagText"] = "[Owner]",
  ["TagColor"] = "#5758BB",

  -- // Bubble properties
  ["BackgroundColor3"] = Color3.fromHex("#5758BB"),
  ["TextColor3"] = Color3.fromHex("#ffffff"),
  ["FontFace"] = "Ubuntu"

*Rank is not needed in the table when creating a “User” or “Asset” function

First, get the free module from the creator marketplace. Then, put the module script inside ReplicatedStorage, and create a new LocalScript in StarterPlayerScripts.

You can use Bluetag in a lot of different ways. For example, you can create a tag dedicated to a specific user:

local Bluetag = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.Bluetag)

Bluetag:CreateTag("User", {
  ["Id"] = 1274213730,
  ["TagText"] = "Founder",
  ["TagColor"] = "#1289A7"

The way to do it for the User and Asset are identical. The only difference is the Type needs to be changed to the value you desire the most!

If you want to create a tag and customize the bubble for a specific rank in a group, you can use the Bluetag:CreateTagBubble() function;

Bluetag:CreateTagBubble("Group", {
  ["Id"] = 33500059,
  ["Rank"] = 255,
  ["TagText"] = "[Owner]",
  ["TagColor"] = "rgb(153, 128, 250)",
  ["BackgroundColor3"] = Color3.fromHex("#A3CB38"),
  ["TextColor3"] = Color3.fromHex("#f1f2f6"),
  ["FontFace"] = "Ubuntu"

Demonstration videos from the code snippets above!

If you have any feedback regarding this module, please, let me know! If you need any help, let me know down here or on my Discord server!

Attribution is not required when using this in a project! :grinning:


Looks good!

Can we also speak about the new feature we can see in this video? Does that mean translated chat is now in Beta?

People have the beta, I even have this feature, though I would need some testing