BlurEffect messes with Highlight

Highlight has recently been released again, and I noticed that BlurEffect causes dark colors on Highlights to not work properly, and blurs the highlight fill color. (Blurring the model depending on distance of camera from it)

All of the images below are with FillTransparency = 0
This issue occurs on both Occluded and AlwaysOnTop depth modes.

No blur:

Size 3 blur:

It seems to be more visible on darker colors. Here on a fully red highlight its barely visible: (Still size 3 blur)

The current workaround is to just disable BlurEffects.
DepthOfField does not have the same effect.

Repro file:
HighlightRepro.rbxl (73.4 KB)


Ok you got to admit this is pretty cool

This happens with every Graphics Mode including the broken OpenGL

Why is having masked blurring not a native feature? It’s clearly working as a bug here


We’ve filled a ticket into our internal database for this issue, and we will update you when we have further information.

Thanks for the report!

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Following up!

This issue should be fixed now! Let us know if it’s still occurring!
