Blurry Background, Low graphics

Hi guys, I’m currently working on a intermission Gui. I am in desperate need of a blurry background. I know how to implement a blurry background, but the real problem is it only shows up to people with max graphics. In roblox studio, when you press +New, there is a game called “Capture the Flag” that roblox has made. They have a implemented blurry background, and it can be seen with both low graphics and high graphics. Could someone please tell how how I would be able to do that?

Screenshot of the roblox blurry background:

Any articles/examples/code would be greatly appreciated!

Use Blureffect? (I’m pretty sure that is visible for players with low graphics.)

How would you say I do that exactly? I’m not really sure how to add that

Post-processing effects in Roblox games may appear differently (or not at all) on lower-end devices or lower graphics quality settings - there’s nothing you can do about that. Try to make it so the effect isn’t required for gameplay’s sake.

Quote from the Developer Hub article:

Effects may differ across devices. On slower or mobile devices, effects may be reduced or not be visible. For more information, see that effect’s API page.

You can create a blur with a BlurEffect object.

Alright, thank you very much for the help!

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The default capture the flag game uses a BlurEffect as other people have mentioned. I don’t know what you meant by “Burred Background” above, but the BlurEffect does show up for players with low graphics.